DF Khoramandu Sea Party Roster

I update this sporadically. Most recently update is following session 110 (20/11/2021).

Current party members:

Miao Miao, cat-folk swashbuckler, 525 points (PC*)
- Jenkins, human servant
, 249 points (NPC Ally)
- Father Warian, human priest, 261 points (NPC Ally)
Sir Yvor Gryffyn, human knight, 450 points (PC*)
Manuta, human sergeant, 177 points (NPC Ally)
Hemmu Gahrol, half-orc berserker (knight), 385 points (PC)
Adam Aesalor, half-orc wizard, 349 points (PC)

Former party members:

Childebert "Bert" Ingoberger, halfling thief/bard (PC)
Sister Miriam Suntemple, human cleric (inactive pregen*)
Llandor the Gray, wood-elf scout (inactive pregen*)
Harrison "Happy" Badapple, halfling thief (inactive pregen*)
Aelsylvin, wood-elf iron mage (retired PC)
Samar Alqatil, human holy warrior (inactive pregen*)
Aelin Rock-Talker, dwarf druid (inactive pregen*)
Zephyra, half-elf wizard (inactive pregen*)
Masha Deathfoot, human martial artist (inactive pregen*)
Argua, half-ogre barbarian (inactive pregen*)
Uncle Seamus, human wizard (inactive pregen*)
Davin Emberwood, human wizard (retired PC)
Alacus, human slinger (hireling; killed by Atoep's swarms)
Grimli Groinson, dwarf crossbowman (hireling; killed by collapsed ceiling; resurrected)
Jorri the Bow, human archer (hireling)
Torr, human boy (unwilling "volunteer")
Ulia, human local guide (hireling)
Gregus, human sellsword (hireling)
"Mace", human mace-wielder (hireling)
Gene, human guard (rescued hireling)
Eric, human guard (rescued hireling)

* denotes a pre-generated PC from the Dungeon Fantasy GM Screen.

New players:

    My rule is that any new player takes a pregen PC when joining. They can change later, but this is the best way to get playing as soon as possible. Most of the players are new to GURPS, and even if they aren't, they might only know 3rd edition, or have never played DF, or whatever. I find it's easier to insist on a pregen at the start across the board, for fairness.

    At some convenient point (usually between adventures), players who want to do so can make their own character. As this requires heavy input from the GM, and as complexity in GURPS is somewhat front-loaded at chargen, I aim to avoid unnecessary effort of a player creating a PC which they are not going to want to keep playing. For the most part I thinks it's worked well. The most important benefit of pregens I think, especially for a game like DF, is the massive reduction in barrier to entry.

    All of the pre-generated PCs listed above come with the GM Screen. Two other pregens are also included as sample characters in the DFRPG box, but I would recommend any new GM to strongly consider the screen as a handy quick reference, as well as the convenience from having 15 (2 in the Adventurers book, plus 13 with the Screen) ready made PCs.


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