
Showing posts from 2021

DF Khoramandu Sea - near-TPK

DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 112

Interim Post

Random Thoughts

Parrying with Two-Handed Weapons

DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 111 - Finding the Purple Humour

DF Khoramandu Sea, screenshot from Session 111

DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 110 - Losing a Volunteer

Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book Kickstarter

DF Khoramandu Sea, Sessions 106 thru 109 - Up on Space Mountain

DF Khoramandu Sea, Sessions 104 and 105 - Deep Night and the Star

DF Khoramandu Sea, Sessions 99 through 103 - Let me sum up

DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 98 - Ambush on the Road

DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 97 - Commitments & Complications

DF Khoramandu Sea - no session this week

DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 96 - Individual Distractions

DF Khoramandu Sea - campaign pause

The Lays of the Thirteen Claws League - Session 95

The Lays of the Thirteen Claws League - Session 94