Campaign Logs
The new DF campaign started in September 2022 and is set in the same world as the previous one. This time we started at the 62 point level, using Delvers to Grow as the base. The campaign is rather unimaginatively called DF Novices. Perhaps we will come up with something better, but it is an accurate starting label. EDIT (May 2024): The group elected to call themselves Soaring Phoenix, so that is what I shall use as the name going forward.
DF Novices - Chapter One
The first adventure is a straightforward caravan job. My intent was for this journey to be a means for starting adventurers who have no established teammates to start a group by means of meeting suitable peers (each other) and be together on said journey long enough to hopefully get to like each other (or at the very least feel they can trust each other to have their backs). Once the team is formed then the party will have more autonomy over their direction and won't be lumbered with a bunch of NPCs slowing them down.
Session 1 - Beginning. Summary by Eleanor.
Session 2 - Summary by Borgergorg.
Session 3 - Failed Negotiations. Summary by Erizax.
Session 4 - Sorting out the Sheep from the Goats. Summary by Eleanor, and by Erizax.
Sessions 5 & 6 - The Dead of Night.
Sessions 7 through 11 - End of chapter one, start of chapter two.
Session 12 - A skeleton, a necrotic tree stump, and some poor bandits.
Session 13 - A Delivery for the Wizard.
Session 14 - Not Quite a Half-TPK. Map of the known wilderness.
Session 15 - "The Borgergorgs".
Session 16 - Summary by Doran.
Session 17 - A new Party Member and a Goblin Ambush. Summary by Eleanor.
Sessions 18 & 19 - Reports by Eleanor.
Session 20 - Second visit to the abandoned mine. Summary by Eleanor.
Session 21 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 22 - Summary by Eleanor. Screenshots from the battle.
Session 23 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 24 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 25 - Third visit to the abandoned mine. Summary by Eleanor.
Session 26 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 27 - Screenshot.
Session 28 - Fourth visit to the abandoned mine. Summary by Eleanor.
Session 29 - Victory against the rat-goblin leader. Summary by Eleanor, and by Erizax.
Session 30 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 31 - Summary by Eleanor, and by Merrill.
Session 32 - Summary by Merrill.
Session 33 - Entering the Titan's Hand.
Session 34 - Summary by Eleanor, and by Merrill.
Session 35 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 37 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 38 - Summary by Eleanor.
Sessions 39 & 40 - A Goodly Haul. Summary by Merrill.
Session 41 - Fifth visit to the abandoned mine. Summary by Eleanor.
Session 42 - Screenshots.
Session 43 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 44 - Summary by Merrill.
Session 45 - Sixth visit to the abandoned mine. Summary by Merrill.
Session 46 - Summary by Erizax, by Eleanor, and by Merrill.
Session 47 - Summary by Merrill.
Session 48 - Summary by Doran, by Eleanor, and by Merrill.
Session 49 - Seventh visit to the abandoned mine. Summary by Yorgen.
Session 50 - Summary by Eleanor, and by Doran.
Session 51 - Summary by Doran, by Eleanor, and by Yorgen.
Session 52 - Summary by Eleanor, and by Yorgen.
Session 53 - Summary by Doran, and by Eleanor. Erizax's map.
Session 54 - Summary by Eleanor, and by Yorgen.
Session 55 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 56 - Summary by Yorgen.
Session 57 - Clearing the Mine.
Merrill's Interlude
Between sessions 48-58, Merrill was away from the group on a solo journey. This ran for 3 sessions.
Parts 1 & 2 - Summary by Merrill.
Part 3 - Summary by Merrill.
DF Novices - Chapter Three
With the clearing of the cursed mine, the group set off into the wilderness, to join up with Merrill and deal with a troll. Then things got complicated when they learned that Erizax's tutor had gone missing...
Sessions 60 & 61 - Summary by Merrill.
Session 62 - Summary by Merrill.
Session 63 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 64 - Summary by Merrill.
Session 66 - Captured! Summary by Merrill.
Soaring Phoenix (DF Novices) - Chapter Four
At the end of the previous chapter, I decided to skip the campaign forward a year, to allow the PCs plenty of time to train and pursue other downtime activities, as well as to give the frontier town of Bridgegate some time to expand. Several PCs elected to leave the town and the wilderness during this time, returning to home for a while, and so on. The party will regroup in Bridgegate after the downtime.
Downtime summaries by Merrill and by Eleanor.
Session 79 - Half a bird, not yet on fire. Summary by Merrill.
Session 80 - Summary by Eleanor.
Session 81 - Back to the Hand. Summary by Merrill.
Session 81a - PbP combat interlude, wave 1.
Session 81b - PbP combat interlude, wave 2.
Session 82 - Screenshot of the battle.
Session 83 - Screenshots.
Session 84 - Screenshots.
Session 85 - Screenshots.
Session 86 - No screenshots.
Sessions 87 & 88 - End of battle. Journey to Fairhill. Summary by Merrill.
Sessions 89 & 90 - Asking questions in Fairhill. GM catchup.
Session 91 - Ploughing in the off-season.
Session 92 - Bug Hunt
Sessions 93 & 94 - Digging Themselves into a Hole
Sessions 95 through 103 - The Crucible of Ishtanna
Session 104 - Knock knock! Ooze there?
Session 105 - Summary by Violetta
Session 106 - Last Game of Year
Session 107 - First Game of 2025
Session 108 - Hunt for the Manticore
Session 109 - Slaying the Manticore(s)
DF Novices B-Team
An interlude with a different team of PCs, but sharing the same sandbox with the first team. This ran for 6 sessions, between July and August of 2023.
Session 1 - Summary by Yorgen.
Session 2 - Summary by Yorgen.
Session 3 - Summary by Yorgen.
Session 4 - Summary by Yorgen.
Session 5 - Summary by Yorgen.
Session 6 - Summary by Yorgen.
DF Khoramandu Sea
My first DF campaign was called DF Khoramandu Sea. This turned out to be somewhat over-ambitious title, as the party only ever got on a ship once. The campaign ran between 2018 and 2022, and has its own campaign log page.
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