DF Khoramandu Sea, Session 97 - Commitments & Complications

    This is a brief-ish summary of yesterday's game. Sir Yvor's player was back with us, so we dealt with his individual "flashback" event first (see last session for everyone else)...

Session Date:    Thursday 12 August 2021

Party roster:
Miao Miao, cat-folk swashbuckler, 525 points (PC)
Jenkins, human servant, 249 points (NPC Ally)
Sir Yvor Gryffyn, human knight, 450 points (PC)
Childerbert "Bert" Ingoberger, halfling locksmith (thief-bard), 415 points (PC)
Hemmu Gahrol, half-orc knight, 385 points (PC)
Adam Aesalor, half-orc wizard, 349 points (PC)

    While at home in his cottage, Sir Yvor was disturbed by a commotion outside. In the back garden, Miao's servant Jenkins had apprehended an interloper whom he said he found sleeping in the shed. Sir Yvor thought this man was gnomish in appearance, although his stature was closer to that of a halfling. The knight demanded to know what the trespasser was doing on his property. The trespasser (who's name would subsequently be revealed to be Fergus) insisted that he lived there. This news did not sit well with Sir Yvor, who had been given residency of the cottage by his liege (the local Baron).

    Fergus apparently thought the cottage belonged to a magician who used to live there. He claimed that when he had last been there (some 70 years ago) Fergus had an arrangement with the wizard whereby he had use of the shed in exchange for tending the garden. Returning from a long visit to his ex-wife, Fergus had resumed residency of the shed, only to be accosted roughly by mister Jenkins. Sir Yvor asked whether this mage had been human. Fergus was uncertain on that point, claiming that the matter had never come up. Yvor explained that, assuming the wizard was human, he had probably long since passed away. With the matter more or less sorted out, Sir Yvor offered Fergus the same arrangement to look after the gardens and keep an eye on the house while he was away. The "gardener" gave his hesitant acceptance. 


    Resuming where the last session ended, we picked up with the party (sans Yvor) deciding to go and meet Bert's "friend" Tobo. As fate would have it, the group encountered Yvor returning as they were going, and so he accompanied the party to the Strangled Harpy tavern. In brief, the party was denied entrance because the establishment was "closed". The bouncer told Bert that Tobo wasn't there, but that he would pass on a message. Bert gave the bouncer Yvor's cottage as the contact address. The party eventually gave up and went somewhere else for a drink.

    After their drink, Hemmu went and found her goblin friend, whom she then convinced to some to the cottage to talk to her companions. The party then agreed to delay their planned engagement trip east, in order to head north and deal with the kobolds and their allies.

    The group having given their commitment to the goblin to go with him once the town festival was over, there followed a further complication two days later. On the eve of the celebration Yvor was summoned by Sheriff Bardolph, who informed the knight that the Baron had a request for him. As the party would be setting off after the festival, would he escort some guests of the Baron who would be travelling in the same direction towards the capital city of Phessio.

    There was much debate amongst the party, but it was ultimately concluded that this was a request which Sir Yvor could not refuse. The goblins (and kobolds) would have to wait...


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