Random Thoughts

- I will need to start restocking the Caves of Chaos soon. That is assuming that the PCs survive their current attempt to save the world from an Elder Thing apocalypse. And assuming the game-world survives for that matter - if they fail, then do I run their next PCs through a post-apocalyptic version of the setting instead?

Anyway, given those assumptions, then I will need to prepare for the return to the Caves of Chaos (previously encountered in sessions 47 through 70), because that is where the PCs have committed to going next. No guarantees of course, but it seems likeliest that they will stick to this plan.

DF21 Megadungeons has a section on stocking the dungeon. I have to decide whether to use that suggestion or another such system. It won't just be a case of restocking the cleared areas of the dungeon, as there have been changes in the power-balance of the various factions since the PCs left - the growth and potential threat of the kobold faction is why they are returning (that and the offer of loot from the goblin-kin).

- I have started playing in an online D&D 5e game run by a friend of a friend. They have been playing through Curse of Strahd, and I am joining the team mid-adventure. Just one session for me so far. It was fun. It's a nice novelty to be able to run one campaign and play in another, both in the same week.  That is a first for me; it's only ever been one or the other.

- Peter at Dungeon Fantastic recently talked about Dispel Magic vs Magic Resistance and his questions to Sean Punch on the subject. The answers to those questions all seemed reasonable to me. I run Magic Resistance as RAW, and so would treat the interaction with the Dispel Magic spell as described. That said, I do have a homebrew variant spell that deliberately behaves differently, while also not being inconsistent with the above. However it hasn't been encountered by my players yet, so I shall keep the details under wraps for now.

- As I write this, the Nordlond Bestiary kickstarter is just a few bucks away from $30K of the $34K target. I hope it funds. I have already upped my pledge to include the PDF ref cards and the VTT tokens. Even if I never need those extras, the book itself will see more than enough use to be worthwhile.


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