DF Novices, Session 35 - Report by Eleanor

      We played last nightHere is a write-up from the player of Eleanor.

Session Date:    Tuesday 20 June 2023

Party roster:
Doran Longbeard, dwarf knight, 128 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 138 points (PC)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 148 points (PC)
Renaud Aymon, human holy warrior, 103 points (PC)
Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 89 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk martial artist, 65 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 125 points (NPC)
Agis Keylar, wood elf cleric, 135 points (NPC)
Methracultist of Subgar, unknown points (NPC)
Ganelon, cultist of Subgar, unknown points (NPC)


We finally got to move on from the initial room that we entered. The first room, where the large zombie came from, held a wardrobe with plenty of items of interest. The most important thing was a backpack with plenty of coins. Hopefully it's worth our time going here. We also found a nice looking short sword, along with a rope and some more things. While me, Erizax and Ben moved over to check the room to the other end the party was ambushed by.. something. Agis called it a Flaming Skull and it certainly looked like it.

The fight was largely harmless. The thing didn't seem able to do any serious harm, but neither could we, at least not until Renaud brought the power of.. uh.. Ishtana? I'm not sure how the name of his goddess is written. Either way he did something to Doran's ax and it seemed far more effective.

In the end we defeated the creature and spent plenty of time resting, once more. While we settled down to do such, Erizax and Ben managed to make a massive mess. They spilled out the contents of the wardrobe and there were plenty of coins all over the floor. At least they managed to find some kind of trapdoor. A magical kind. Maybe. We're not quite sure what it does and Erizax being our only wizard there wasn't much to do.

And then we found the greatest thing ever. A cloak that makes you invisible. We're not sure how exactly it works but it seems to be very potent. This kind of thing is perfect for the jobs that I do, though I can imagine it being just as impressive for any of our fighters to get a serious hit in before anything happens.

- Eleanor


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