DF Novices, Team-A, Session 76 - Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail

       Here is a summary of session 76 by the player of Merrill. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Date:    Tuesday 7 May 2024

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 176 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard
, dwarf warrior (knight), 202 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 233 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Hireling)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 232 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 157 points (NPC)
Maximilian "Stout" Grupher III, goblin cleric of Ishtanna, 121 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk martial artist, 139 points (PC)
Fenn, human scout, unknown points (NPC)

Campaign Date:    10 December, Year 645 of the Vycenaean Empire.


Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail:

If there one thing Merrill learn, it that the more thing change, the more thing is same. It true in temple... every time Merrill think there no more statue need polishing, no more floor need sweeping, no more pot need cleaning, there more dirt on floor and more pot in kitchen and, of this Merrill is certain, more statue built need polishing. Always there more to do. 

It true now, in cave. Friends think fight is done, and bandits done, and danger done, but suddenly there more danger, more fight, and more bandit. Last bit also bit of surprise. That not only surprise that still wait, but it biggest surprise at time. 

Of things that not change, it clear that one thing that not change too is Ben. As creatures that nearly as tall and wider than Ben approach, friends take positions like boulders in stream. Like boulder, Doran take longer to arrive. But friends prepared for combat, yes yes! It when Merrill behind Ben that gentle soul of Ben not able to attack creature that not speak. Merrill say before, Ben big as mountain but gentle as breeze, and creatures that approach shaped like thing that alive. It odd shaped alive thing, yes, but thing that alive. So Ben decide it more important to be friendly and go offer hand to creatures. 

Creature with club respond by having go at caving in skull of Ben, creature with spear respond by trying to make skewer of Ben. Luckily Ben quick with shield and it take blow, but spear get in under shield and stab Ben in chest. It stab that probably have killed most friends in group, but Ben also built like mountain. So Ben hurt, but not badly, and decide that it clear creatures they monsters, and respond in same way creatures responded to friendly greeting. 

By which Merrill say, the fight it begin. 

At first it seem fight not that hard. Not hard for Merrill or Randall or Eleanor or Erizax. It harder for Ben and Doran, because creatures hit hard. It also hard for Stout, but that because he little with little legs and take time to run across cave towards fight. Merrill also certain Stout too tired to fight, but he running to fight anyway. That normally worry Merrill, but it seem fight soon be over, long before Stout get to bit that dangerous. 

It at that point Merrill see, through fighting, third figure outside. For moment there is glimpse of bandit leader. Then it as if someone take away all light. 

When Merrill say all light, he mean all light. He very used to seeing by light of stars or moon when friends unable to see, but this is darkness of kind Merrill only ever seen in deepest depth of mine that cursed where no light shine at all. That moment things take turn for worse. Last thing Merrill see, it exit of cave, and he know enough about magic and things to know that this darkness it magical thing. Erizax the wise, he once say to Merrill, when step into darkness that magical there always end to darkness somewhere. So ahead of Merrill is exit of cave, and leader of bandits who also mage like Erizax, so Merrill decide he go forward! Find end of darkness, find leader of bandits, have frank exchange of ideas in style of Bright Scholar Reasoning, and end fight, yes yes! Problem, other thing in front of Merrill it fight between Ben and monster with club. Merrill not want be hit by club, it crush Merril in one swipe! 

So Merrill have bright idea. Every time Merrill say to Master Lashki in temple that Merrill has bright idea, Merrill sent to clean more pots in kitchen until idea it seem not so bright. But in cave, idea shines bright in darkness that magical, and Merrill decide he jump to exit, past fight, past exit, hoping he land in place where there light of stars and moon. By light of moon, Merrill can have exchange of ideas with bandit leader, that no problem. But when Merrill jump, he find out that other thing also in front of him now wall of cave. Luckily Merrill very good at falling and he bounce off wall, falling on top of creature that fallen on top of Ben. 

It bit of mess. 

When everyone untangle, Merrill last to stand up, and he go very silent. He cannot see, but ears of Merrill they hear Ben moving back and monster walking. It seem to Merrill monster also not see in darkness, and it looking for Ben, so Merrill move as silent as Merrill can so monster not think Merrill is Ben... he fairly certain that club he cannot see it hurt as much as club that plainly visible. 

And then, all of sudden, there light of moon! It seem there edge to darkness that also near edge of cave. For moment Merrill look around for leader of bandits, but see only open ground. 

Then Merrill see stars. 

Many stars. 

They hurt. 

It then that Merrill realise, leader of bandit he not outside of cave anymore. He in darkness! Merrill remember, too late, that leader of bandits has flail. He remember, because he not seen flail since leaving temple. He also remember, very very clearly, that being hit with flail, it hurt. Merrill not know how badly he hurt, but it bad bad. It all Merrill can do to stagger forward and turn around to face darkness. It thing he must do on Path of Master, yes, but he also certain that only speech that is figure, it not literal thing. It now literal thing, there darkness in front of Merrill. 

Then Doran appear from darkness and Merrill shout warning. To Doran. To friends. Leader of bandits, he in darkness! But it odd thing. Merrill's voice, it catch and croak, and then there more darkness. This darkness of kind that creeps in from behind eyes. 

It all... dark... 

Ground hit Merrill in face, which not kind. 

Through haze, Merrill see Doran hit with flail and stagger away, towards Merrill. Friend Doran... 

When next Merrill blink, there Stout. There Stout hit by flail, and Stout falling. 

It take longer to blink... why is rest of body not moving? Stout also not moving. Stout in pool of blood that suggest perhaps Stout never move again. 

No.... no! Stout.... small friend Stout.... 

.... no.... 

........all.... dark.... 


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