GURPS DF Session 44 - Hunt for Sir Sacnoth, part 6

In order to assist me in putting up session summaries in a timely fashion, I am soliciting contributions from my players. I plan to offer +1 CP per session to each player that does so.

I think that I will still keep adding the party roster myself, for consistency.

Session Date: Thursday 25 July 2019

Party roster:
Miao Miao, cat-folk swashbuckler, 342 points (PC)
- "Jenkins", human servant, 146 points (NPC Ally)
- Brother Warian, human monk (initiate), 171 points (NPC Ally)
Davin Emberwood, human wizard, 304 points (PC)
Llandor the Gray, wood-elf scout, 247 points (PC)

Sir Yvor Gryffyn, human knight, 309 points (PC*) 
Sister Miriam Suntemple, human cleric, 260 points (PC)
Harrison "Happy" Badapple, halfling thief, 249 points (PC) 

*Yvor's player was absent, and Happy's player ran him in the meantime.

The following session summary is brought to us by Miao Miao...

There is expression among Miao's people, 'Pulling the tail'. Some clans say 'Yanking the ears', but sentiment is same. For you furless who do not understand, expression means 'annoying on purpose' in gentlest sense. Most accurate translation in common is 'crossing the line'. Miao Miao's tail was pulled today, in way she should have seen coming. But even the best sharp-eye can miss the dragon over the horizon...

In way, day was going almost perfect. Good fight with Hydra, okay talk with lizard people, playing trick on mother of frogs and not falling in the foul liquid that is swamp. Of all things, Miao is most grateful for that last one. And reason we came here in first place, not-so-noble-one Sir Sacnoth, made promise not to escape. In hindsight, Miao should have been more careful, less trusting of no-so-noble-one. But Miao Miao used to talking to Noble One Sir Yvor, and Miao Miao used to keeping her word herself, so Miao had no reason to doubt word of not-so-noble-one. Miao thought it was just like word of Little One, and Pointy One, sure to be kept if Miao simply keep eye out.

But day was going great! Miao spent last of coin on round of drinks in Wyvern's Nest, still annoyed little that no Wyverns actually nesting on roof. It okay, Wyvern not real dragon anyway. So certain that things were going to keep going perfect, Miao not even annoyed at Davin insisting on spending long long long time taking bath. It shame four henchpersons did not escape, but Miao gave them honest chance. That perhaps more than they deserve, but it important to be better than evil-hangers-on, yes?

All that left, Miao Miao was certain, simple stroll to city-town, and deliver not-so-noble-one to justice. Young Davin even seemed eager on hike, that practically unheard of. Glorious sunshine, warm fur, full belly and no blisters on toe pads, it seem perfect way to end good quest. When travellers appeared behind, Miao was almost convinced that they only innocent well-mets. So relaxed Miao, Miao turned to greet them, sword arm for first time away from not-so-noble-one. Noble One equally seem not concerned, keeping back on not-so-noble-one. Simply friendly travellers on friendly road, yes?

And then, from corner of eye, Miao sees movement, and from corner of eye Miao's tail is pulled by not-so-noble-one. In flash, Sacnoth draws sword and has spirited try cutting off Noble One's head with sword Sacnoth has promised not to use. As sword bites in shield and Noble One turns to face not-so-noble-one, Miao Miao finally realizes. It late, it almost too late, but Miao knows now, as tail is pulled, that not-so-noble-one is in fact honourless black-claw.

Miao faintly aware of arrows, of shouts on other side of group, but Miao only eyes for sword in Sacnoth's hands. Swish-flick, usually enough to send swords flying, but this time not. Sacnoth trained knight, and Miao knows they difficult to stab. Still, Sacnoth clearly worried by sudden competent attack, because black-claw turns weapon... and places it to neck of Jenkins. Miao's servant still has back turned, never as quick as Miao or Noble One, and only starts to turn when sword is already at neck. Why Sacnoth not simply kill him, Miao not understand, but Miao grateful. On other paw, Miao now furious. Attacking Noble One and Miao? That one thing, that okay, that expected by Miao Miao and, Miao is certain, Noble One too. Attacking not so great fighter, when back is turned? That not okay at all.

Swish and stab, a flicker of sword and arm, Miao always been faster than anyone else. Not this time. Miao sees, clearly, as if soaked in cold bath, Sacnoth's sword come down, Jenkins move arm up in reflex, Jenkins and arm falling to ground in different spots. Black-claw now beyond pulling tail. Honourless Black-Claw now yanked out whisker. Mister Stabby slides off crossguard, scrapes along many-ring-armour, blood pounds in Miao's ears. Nearby, Miao hears Noble One calling out Black-Claw to honourable combat, in way Miao is certain Black-Claw understood. Noble One, beacon of virtue, not even drawn sword until duel would start. Black-Claw not interested in duel, not interested in honour, and Black-Claw attack Noble One, still unarmed. Again, attack against unarmed enemy. Blood in ears of Miao Miao now pounding and boiling at same time.

Miao lives by simple code. Some say too simple, but Miao likes codes that simple. Easier to remember when steel is being swung and everyone running around, or arrows sing around ears. Miao knows Noble One lives by code too. More complicated code, but still code that easy to remember during swish-slash-stab. Miao know Black-Claw also supposed to live by code.

Miao would like to say, in Miao Miao's defense, Miao was not first to break code during fight. But Miao perhaps not first, Miao certainly was last.

Of shields, Miao knows not much except which are pretty, which are not. But of shields, Miao does know it generally bad if sword cleaves all the way to center boss. Noble One now without shield, sword still not drawn, being hacked at by Black-Claw. Miao faster than most, even faster now than Miao been ever before. Mister Stabby felt good in hand. Two steps forwards, bring up blade at same time, lean on off-paw, turn body to surprise Black-Claw, lift point of blade... STAB! STAB!  On principle of general, Miao never attacks for face. Miao Miao never pulls the tail like that. Black-Claw exception to this rule. Honourless Black-Claw already pulled tail, already yanked whisker, and Black-Claw had smirk on face that needed removing. Last bit perhaps imagination of Miao, but Miao at least certain in future now nobody ever call Black-Claw 'Pretty One'. Black-Claw suddenly drops like sack of rocks, and it surprise Miao. For moment, Miao not certain what happen, that there is fight still going on behind.

Then Noble One shouts, Miao not even certain anymore what it was, but ears of Miao Miao suddenly ring. This enough to make Miao turn around, see more fight... see Jenkins motionless on floor. Blood returns to ears, Mister Stabby and Miao need more vengeance and Miao shouts shout of Miao's own. Swish. Slash. Stab. SLASH! STAB! Miao forget how many. Not many-lots, never with Noble One nearby, but Miao believe between two and five.

And then gang breaks. Furless all, round-ears and pointy-tusks, scatter to winds. Except one. Except pointy-tusk Miao is fighting now, first one to catch Mister Stabby on shield. Miao glares. Pointy-Tusk glares back. And suddenly, Miao and Pointy-Tusk recognise glares. This Pointy-Tusk that had armed chopped off and refused to surrender! This Pointy-Tusk Miao allowed to leave for being good sport in pass near place-which-Miao-must-never-mention. Pointy Tusk bellows, that Pointy Tusk remembers Miao, and Miao is surprised that Miao feels slightly pleased about that. Then Pointy Tusk leaves in puff of smoke and all that left is road. Road strewn with one Black-Claw, several round ears, handful of pointy-tusks... and Jenkins.

Oh no....


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