The Lays of the Thirteen Claws League - Session 92

     Our last session was Thursday (2021/04/01). This is another sort-of-IC retrospective by Bert, the party's thief locksmith-turned-bard. Bert himself pulled a sicky, so that his player could try out a new character, Anubesia of Ultioch, for the fight with the lich. I give +1 character point (XP) for those players who submit a summary for me to post here on the blog. 

    The Lays of the Thirteen Claws League

Canto 8:

Part 4: 

So, I forget where I left off before:
yes, Davin facing the lich, I recall,
both locked in their own private wizards’ war
Davin conjured an image of a wall
(to block her view) but the lich hurled a ball
of some sort of magickal concussion
which stunned them and caused the image to fall.
Even in all the battle confusion
she was not to be checked by a mere illusion.

Our monk now played the role of a bishop
moving quickly between the battle lines
using his holy touch to heal and stop
bleeding, more refreshing than the best wines
    – our strength grows as our enemies’ declines!
especially that of super fit Yvor
whose protean strength the monk’s touch refines
leaving him twice as healthy as before
(he also healed others, including Aesalor).

Now comes a too tragic part of our tale
by which I mean the sad fate of Miao’s cloak
which she had wrapped around her arm to flail
and defend her, and in this case to soak
up ghoul spit, which corroded and thus broke
this very fine cape of treated bearskin
made only by the best tailors: bespoke!
The lichess’ flames hastened its ruin
    – such are the sacrifices we must make to win.

As the lich blinked in and out of the fight
the party couldn’t score a single hit
against her, as she struck out left and right
dealing wounds to my friends, in that dread pit,
leaving brave Yvor as near death as it
gets (again) but he persevered 
matching his brawn versus the monster’s wit
getting angry each time she disappeared
but knowing in deep his heart that the end game neared.

Renewed (again) Yvor kept up the chase
he, Miao and Anubesia split out
into the bowels of the lich’s palace
but she knew all the wiles of her redoubt
using its thick walls as she blinked about
finding the party’s wizards unguarded
too far from the fighters for them to shout
for help, Adam and Davin were wounded
leading to them dropping to the floor, nearly dead.

The fighters ran through tunnels clogged with fog,
searching for the foe in professional style
covering their back, advancing in leap frog
fashion: and they came upon the last vile
ghoulish pawns of Hers and cut them down while
running back into the hall where their friends
were being hacked by the lich, in her bile
she stabbed at supine Davin who defends
by blinking himself away, defeating her ends.

So, the return of the fighters then checked
the undead monarch of this so foul hive
who by force of massed arms worked to eject
her from her hall, keeping their friends alive
to stand up, regroup and heal to then strive
to find a way to unwind the stalemate
and get the victory so none can revile
them – Hemmu reckoned it wasn’t too late
to draw Axam, her fearsome weapon and best mate.


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