2022 - Year in Games

    February of last year saw the ending of my original DF campaign, which had run on and off since 2018. I started the new DF Novices game in September 2022, and we had 11 sessions of that up to December. The new game has two players from the previous group, along with 4 new recruits (2 new to GURPS; 3 new to me).

    For non-GURPS games-mastering, I ran a couple of one-shots of the Paranoia RPG during 2022, using the "XP" edition (the zenith of Paranoia rulesets in my opinion).

    For non-GMing last year, I played in a couple of different D&D games (one of which is still ongoing), and a fantasy piratical game using 7th Sea (using a homebrew setting and modified rules). Both the D&D games were using 5e rules, but different GMs and quite different games. And both fun, for different reasons. One was the Curse of Strahd adventure, played over Fantasy Grounds and Discord. The other was a homebrew adventure/setting, played using Discord with the GM sharing his screen for the tactical elements. Curse of Strahd seems quite far along in the adventure - I expect that may resolve soon in 2023. I missed several sessions of the 7th Sea game due to non-gaming reasons - hopefully I can get back into that this year.

    All-in-all quite a good gaming year for me in 2022, despite the GURPS hiatus in the middle of it.
