DF Novices, Team-A, Session 73 - Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail

    Here is a summary from the player of Merrill for the session last week. Merrill's player was absent from the game on 9th April, and there is no summary of that session from anyone else. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Date:    Tuesday 16 April 2024

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 176 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard
, dwarf warrior (knight), 202 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 233 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Hireling)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 232 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 157 points (NPC)
Maximilian "Stout" Grupher III, goblin cleric of Ishtanna, 121 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk martial artist, 139 points (PC)
Fenn, human scout, unknown points (NPC)

Campaign Date:    10 December, Year 645 of the Vycenaean Empire.


Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail:

There thing that Merrill learn from friends, it that there time for fighting, and there time for talking, and there time for talking about fighting. It always remind Merrill of lessons of Two Moons in Temple, and so Merrill always listen very carefully to fill his ears and let ears fill mind. Some day Merrill will also talk of fighting when there time to talk of fighting before fight, yes yes. Today not that day.

Today Erizax say, he has magic way of seeing in cave that full of bandits, to see if cave still full of bandits, while friends wait on path outside of cave. Merrill never seen cave, but friends know where is entrance after scouting. So Merrill wait, while Erizax see things that far away with eye that not in head. It magic, and Merrill not understand it, but friends say it mean Erizax can see in place where Erizax is not. It seem dangerous to Merrill... how Erizax know if he about to walk into tree? Almost Merrill ask this question, but then Erizax suddenly look around with eyes that in head, and say that eye that not in head no longer there. Erizax certain bandits saw eye, and know we coming. So after talk of fighting, it decided we not do anything we talk about and go quick as quick.

Until friends remember that Eleanor the swift she very swift, and Merrill now just as swift as Eleanor, so friends decide perhaps it not good to go quick as quick. They say we go quick as slow, which is speed of Stout, who has legs that little. Erizax also make friends see in dark, because we not carrying lights. Now friends see like Merrill does, and Merrill hoping they remember what world look like when moons are bright and stars like torches. These are thoughts in Merrill's head when we arrive at cave and go in like water in fast mountain river. Like water in fast river, Merrill staying behind big boulder that is Ben.

Only two guards watch entrance, and quickly Ben and Doran and Randall and Merrill go deal with guards. There ledges, which problem for Doran, and slow down Ben, so Merrill jump on ledge and thump guard who clearly undead with staff from safe distance. Quick as quick, yes yes. Guard thumped, but stands like statue until Ben get close. It strange!

It quick fight, but fights always quick when Doran and Ben hit things. Things they hit, they know they hit. It only unfortunate that when Merrill go around guard to confuse, guard catches Merrill's staff on swing with shield and Merrill hits own leg. That hurt! Leg again! Luckily this time Merrill still stand after blow, but that reminder that Merrill still atoning for mistakes. Ben finish guard, and Randall get around second guard that fighting Doran and finish fight quickly. But while Merrill drinking potion as friends go ahead, he wondering... why guard attack Merrill, when Ben closer and more dangerous? Guard fight Ben until Merrill get close, and then ignore Ben completely to fight Merrill. It mystery that mysterious.

While Merrill drinking potion, there suddenly shouting from Doran, and Randall call for friends to fall back. Merrill wonder why, until he see very large group of undead running towards friends, and large group of bandits emerging from side tunnel. There rush of flame and fire, and there fire where undead stood. But undead run through fire. Ben and Doran cut at undead as group run past, but undead ignore Ben and Doran...

... they coming straight for Erizax and Merrill...

So friends fall back with back to ledge of entrance, and Merrill stand side by side with Erizax. If Merrill ever wonder if Gods have sense of humour, he now has answer.

But after bandits and kobolds and undead and more bandits, Merrill not afraid.

Merrill will hold line. 


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