DF Soaring Phoenix - GM catchup

    It's been several weeks and I have been lax in posting.  We have still been playing. I even have a summary from a player which I haven't posted yet and need to do. 

    The party survived the fight with the orcs and goblins. The battle spanned 7 sessions plus a PbP interlude. Technically it was two separate combats, but as those were back to back with nothing but a brief pause happening between, it arguably felt like one long fight. This wasn't ideal, but I didn't see a way to handwave it without an unsatisfactory result. And I feel that the players walked into it, so the resulting combat wasn't entirely my fault. Anyway they survived, but they burned through a lot of consumables and Impulse Points (a replenishable but limited metagame resource) in order to win the war of attrition against an inferior but numerically larger force of goblin-kin. Perhaps that could have been avoided, so we'll see if they do things differently next time. Then again, no-one in the party died, so maybe not.

    Since then, the party has made it to the village of Fairhill, and spent the last few sessions interacting with NPCs; finding out about the place and trying to get paid to deal with a potential threat that the more public- or heroically-minded group members will invariably want to do regardless. There are a lot of potential characters in the village, and it is fun to play through the PCs interacting with them, although I don't always feel that they ask all the right questions (or give the right answers themselves). I try to run the NPCs as people with their own priorities or agendas, however mundane or benign those might be. They are not just computer game plot dispensers with question marks floating above their heads. 

    So we've gone from several sessions of nothing but combat to multiple sessions with no combat (but not quite no dice rolling at all). It's been a nice chance. However some of the players may be getting antsy to hit something by now. We will soon see if the chance presents itself...


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