DF Soaring Phoenix, Sessions 87 and 88 - Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail

    Here is a belated summary by the player of Merrill, from the end of the big battle with the orcs and goblins by Titan's Hand. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Dates:    Tuesday 30 July and Tuesday 6 August 2024

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 233 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human adventurer (thief), 296 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Ally)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 292 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk monk (martial artist), 234 points (PC)
Violetta, human warrior (barbarian), 161 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 173 points (NPC Ally)

Campaign Dates:    5 thru 7 February, Year 647 of the Vycenaean Empire.


Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail:

*Half a dozen preceding pages in the diary are completely illegible, either torn, trampled, stained with blood, or destroyed by fire. All that remains is a short poem, barely legible, written in what appears to be charcoal*

Learning always hard,
And all stupid thoughts and words,
Such bonfire they make.

*The next entry is written in a clearer hand on the first undamaged page*

It been long time since Merrill try balancing Chi of friends, but it clear that Dagne very tired, and injuries of Erizax and Randall not so bad. First Merrill thinking he offer help to Eleanor, but it probably better he first prove that he learn many things in Temple of Ten Tigers. At time Merrill angry at Master that always hurt students, and Merrill happy when Master asked to leave, but now Merrill also know that there much he learned then. How to use bandage to help with flow of Chi, how to focus when healing... and how to use anger to focus Chi.

Anger like fast river, and some masters say that river of Chi is like Tiger pouncing. It swift, it dangerous, it helpful if focused. Master Zheng he say, it better to hold river, to make deep lake of Chi. It not swift, but it still dangerous, and there more of it. So Merrill learn to recognise anger, recognise fire that inside, and reflect back inside. It help Merrill's fingers find points of pressure and healing, and put bandage in place that need it.

All that to say, Merrill pleased when helping Erizax and Erizax feeling much better after. Last time Merrill try balance Chi of friends, it... not great success. Now it much, much better. And Merrill pretend he not see Randall's sigh of relief, and how he now more happy to let Merrill balance Chi.

Still, night it strange night after. There bandits in forest nearby, so say notice, so of course friends keep watch. But there something missing, there sound in background that Merrill not hear that he now used to hearing on nights in recent past. It soft sound of Copper breathing... Merrill only meet Copper few days ago, but already Merrill missing reassuring sound of patient horse. Ben still very upset, Merrill can tell, but what can friends do? We not in position to find dragon, or if find dragon to kill dragon. It beast that eats whole horse! Friends still too tired and hurt from fight on Barrens by Titan's Hand.

Later, perhaps. For now, it more Chi for lake.

In middle of next day, Ben say it faster to go through bit of forest than follow path, and Ben walking quick quick all morning. So friends and Merrill, we happy for slower pace through forest for short while. Eleanor say there bandits here, so keep out eyes. And Merrill look everywhere. There many tall trees, and pretty plants Merrill not seen in long time. Perhaps there rabbit nearby, or beautiful bird, or other thing that interesting to look at. Merrill certain if he look at everything, he certain to see bandits, yes?

But it Ben and Eleanor who see, in distance that not too far away, there bit of forest that made of stone. Or thing made of stone in forest. It agreed we go look, and when looking see that it ruined remains of old gate. Beyond there grave markers, but they old old. Writing on markers, Erizax say, it Old Vycenaean, and that name of Empire that once here. Everyone stay on side of gate that not graveyard, except Violetta. But she come back quick quick soon. There things nobody with sense that common disturb, and of those things one is old grave.

Then Merrill remember wisdom of Temple of Two Moons Dancing. Here is thing that important, or important in past. Thing that important, it usually on road, and it certain on road if thing that important had gate. And road always go from place that important to place that important, so Merrill ask Ben if he see remains of road nearby? He say no. And that shame... Merrill certain there old village or town nearby, if there place here where people put to rest.

But friends moving on, and Merrill hurry to follow.

It evening and sun nearly going to sleep like tiger going to lair when ahead we see village that big, or town that very small. It on hill, and it look fair, so Merrill certain this village of Fairhill. As he say earlier in diary, it obvious places named by humans.

On road to top of hill we stopped by two guards, who ask what is business here? Erizax explain we looking for friend who training with local priestess, and we group of friends that no mean harm. One guard he go up road, other guards say we wait here.

So we wait.

After while that short, more guards they arrive and at head of guards there man with missing hand who say name is Baran. There no title, but friends and Merrill certain he captain of guard, and Erizax say again why friends come to Fairhill. Baran he ask more questions, and then seem certain in mind that friends not vagabonds or bandits. But Baran say, friends put away weapons and take off armour in village.

That... take moment.

But when friends have weapons put away and armour in hands, Baran take us into village and say he thinking we want inn or place to sleep, yes? So he say, if friends have coin, stay in inn near square of village, it called The Drunken Cockatrice. It seem place that nice, so we go inside.

How can Merrill describe Drunken Cockatrice? It place that warm, and smell of food, and has atmosphere that pleasant. It place that feel friendly, and Merrill feel at home. Then innkeeper Glarian ask what we eat, and for moment Merrill stare. It not polite, he know, but Glarian she has ears that pointed, and Merrill certain she elf. It been very long time since Merrill seen elf!

And how can Merrill describe food of Drunken Cockatrice? It like being home again. It good, it meaty, it spicy. It so good, inn so friendly, and Glarian so kind, Merrill even briefly think he abandon Path of Master and live at Drunking Cockatrice now.

That is how good was food!

There also room for friends. Enough rooms say Glarian for everyone to have own room, but Erizax insist we take two large rooms and share. Ugh... Merrill will have room for self one day. One day! Today not that day.

Next morning there breakfast. Such breakfast! And Baran come in to find friends to ask question he forgot to ask on night before. Erizax explain about Orcs by Titan's Hand, and Baran ask if that where we find shields? Erizax say yes, and Baran he concerned... not that friends have shields of Orcs, but that there symbol on shields that Baran not know. It not symbol of clan of Orcs that occasionally raid Fairhill, Baran say. Merrill's ears perk up at that, and he can see other friends now also taking keen interest. Baran say that Orcs and bandits they attack occasionally, but he think they live in forest, and he say nobody chase Orcs into forest. It too dangerous. There castle of Vampire in forest.

It odd how sometimes friends make decision without saying word, and other times use many many words but can make no decision. This one of those times when decision it made without words.

Orcs, Bandits, and Vampire... Merrill thinking, this going to be interesting!


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