DF Novices, Merrill's Memos

    What follows is not so much a summary from the player of Merrill (the player himself has been unfortunately absent from recent sessions due to RL), as it is cryptic in-character commentary.


    These notes are found in the margin of Merrill's diary, with many crossings out and corrections, as if Merrill is translating things from a language with a completely different syntax. Many appear to be noted as they occur, others may be written mental notes.

Koan 3:

My mind it worried it could never think of all answers;
But then met one that could think of no questions.

Koan 7:

When seeking to see, it sufficient to open eyes and look;
When looking to find, it necessary to start by seeking. 

On truth:

    One day the arrogant student, hungry, came to a farm. They called and shouted, demanding food, water, and shelter. But no matter how loud arrogant student shouted, there was no answer. Thinking the farm abandoned and disappointed with the world, arrogant student left.
But arrogant student still hungry;
    On second day, confident student, hungry, came to the farm. Certain the farm was not abandoned, confident student tried to open door. But no matter how confident student pushed, pulled, twisted, punched, or kicked, the door did not open. Disappointed in himself, confident student left.
But confident student still hungry;
    On third day, clever student, hungry, came to farm. Suspecting the door locked, clever student climbed in through window. Clever student learned that door was barred from inside, and frightened farmer with family was hiding under table. But no matter how clever words of clever student, no matter how much clever student plead or threaten, farmer would not come out from under table, and would not help clever student. Disappointed in others, clever student left.
But clever student still hungry;
    On fourth day, wise student, hungry, came to farm.
Wise student knocked.


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