DF Novices, Session 38 - Report by Eleanor

        We played again tonightHere is a write-up from the player of Eleanor.

Session Date:    Tuesday 11 July 2023

Party roster:

Doran Longbeard, dwarf knight, 128 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 138 points (PC)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 148 points (PC)
Renaud Aymon, human holy warrior, 103 points (PC)
Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 89 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk martial artist, 65 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 125 points (NPC)
Agis Keylar, wood elf cleric, 135 points (NPC)
Methracultist of Subgar, unknown points (NPC)
Ganelon, cultist of Subgar, unknown points (NPC)

Campaign Date:    27 June, Year 645.


Resting. No one tells you about all the resting you will do on adventuring. I imagine we have spent as much time catching our breaths as we have traveling or searching. At least I favor it over the fighting that is done.

Especially seeing as we fought a Wight. It was certainly a monstrous creature. Half the time it seemed nearly impervious to being harmed, according to Agis it was some kind of mystical durability. Erizax used his magic to hold it in the air and Doran knocked its weapons out of its grasp which left it completely helpless. It definitely went down with a whimper in the end, but it had managed to drain plenty of life out of Ben's body, leaving him paralyzed for a while.

Then there was a magical door, Erizax and Agis didn't feel anything from it but when we tried the key we found on the Wight it exploded in some weird darkness. The door didn't break or anything but Doran was blasted with immense hurt.

Finally we climbed up to the top of the ladder. Doran went first but he got shot by an arrow and rapidly descended. Ben took his place with some magic to keep him from getting shot with arrows. I'm not sure what happened up there but we'll move on from there soon. There's certainly no more fighting in the room up there at least.

- Eleanor


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