DF Novices, Team-A, Session 43 - Report by Eleanor

     We played again tonight. The big fight from last session is still ongoing. Here is a write-up from the player of Eleanor.

Session Date:    Tuesday 22 August 2023

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 132 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard
, dwarf knight, 159 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 174 points (PC)
Dagne, human cleric, 125 points (NPC Hireling)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 178 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk martial artist, 92 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 135 points (NPC)

Campaign Date:    6 August, 
Year 645 of the Vycenaean Empire.


We entered the caves again. It didn't go far until we triggered some kind of trip wire. I was sure it would go somewhere, like a secret door, but since we couldn't find anything we moved on. The Goblins knew we were coming, it was quite obviously some kind of alarm.

Arrows came from the dark and we rushed forward. We didn't have much choice but to go now that they knew we were there. Or at least that's how it is with this group. It's not like we were prepared to set up an ambush or traps.

And we ran right into them. I thought it would be fine. We've certainly been in bad situations before but this is getting there again. A lot of enemies. All kinds of enemies. One of them went completely wild.

Either way I ended up going invisible and moving up to surprise the archers, it seemed like the best way to help our group if the archers weren't allowed to do as they wanted, for the time being.

In the end we've downed a lot of them but more came. Orcs that are clearly leaders. Huge Wolves. More Goblins. I figured it was time to move out but we ended up being dragged into the fight.

Doran's leg is clearly in a bad spot, he can't get up right now but he's still fighting back. It's remarkable how good Doran is at fighting. Ben's been taking blows that would have surely downed most of it. Randall was almost downed once, but Dagne has managed to heal him, and Merrill as well.

There's been so much happening. Erizax has made most of the group look like a blurry mess with his magic. Dagne has healed most of the party. I've tried to be a nuisance to the archers. Ben, Doran, Randall and Merrill have kept fighting in melee all this time.

And now Erizax has set the room on fire. It is getting tense. Doran looks okay despite being on the ground, but it might not last. I think Ben's shield is destroyed and he's trying to use two weapons at once instead. I've only got my knife.

At least I got lucky and none of the archers managed to figure out where I was before I regrouped with my friends.

Surely we'll keep this lucky streak going!

- Eleanor


  1. Your players look like mine whereas retreat is mostly not an option.

    1. Perhaps in the beginning there were some players like that. However, some close calls and the loss of an NPC have made death seem more like a real threat for the incautious.

      Lately it's been less a refusal to consider retreat, and more that the enemies don't make it easy. So if you want to run, you cannot wait until it's too late to try. Fortunately for the PCs, when they do run they have usually been able to block off their pursuers thanks to their wizard's prudent use of Create Fire and Shape Fire spells.

    2. Maybe my players didn't run because they were 250-pt DF characters. I guess there's a psychological component tied to "big numbers", besides bringing more options to the table, that makes people think they are invincible.


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