DF Soaring Phoenix, Screenshots from Session 83

    We played yesterday. The fight with the goblin-kin picked up from the previous session. 

Session Date:    Tuesday 2 July 2024

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 233 points (PC)
Copper, sumpter (pack horse), unknown points (Animal)
Eleanor Bayley, human adventurer (thief), 296 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Ally)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 292 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk monk (martial artist), 234 points (PC)
Violetta, human warrior (barbarian), 161 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 173 points (NPC Ally)

Campaign Date:    5 February, Year 647 of the Vycenaean Empire.


    We were missing two players for much of the session, so 2/3 of the remaining players had to also manage one of the playerless PCs. Add to that the two NPC allies in the party, the remaining 5 boars and their riders, plus all the recently-arrived enemy infantry (12 goblin archers, 2 orc archers, 6 orcs swordsmen, and 2 orc axemen), and the GM was quite busy too. Which is to say that with all the activity each turn, we didn't get through as many seconds of the battle as we had the week before. Anyhoo, here are some screenshots as the battle progressed...

    Below is a screenshot from the start of turn 24, where we left off last session. The infantry are rapidly approaching, and the boar riders have circled back around and are about to charge back onto the map from the right hand edge.

    Next is a screenshot from the start of turn 27. The boars are charging the party. Randall has dodged a slam from the lead boar. Violetta has just hit the rider of the boar charging her, hard enough with her morningstar that he has fallen out of his saddle. Ben has come up to assist. The other party members are huddled close to the dead boar in the hope that it will act as an obstacle against the cavalry charge.

    Below is the start of turn 28. Four boars have now passed. The fallen rider has been severely wounded before he could get back up. The enemy archers have loosed a volley, most of which missed with the exception of Dagne who was hit by an arrow but fortunately not injured, and Eleanor who was hit in the back by an arrow which penetrated her light mail (bodkin point) but only caused a minor wound (1 HP). The orc warriors are circling the party from both sides, and did not rush to engage before the cavalry had passed. The last boar, seriously wounded in the previous session, is clearly slowed by its injuries and has not yet arrived.

    Below is the start of turn 31. Two more boars are now severely injured and riderless, but are too angry to quit. Erizax has cast an area 3 Create Fire spell, followed by Shape Fire, however he has barely had time to move the flames due to the party being surrounded.

    Here is the start of turn 32. A second war boar is down but not out, and the party is frenetically trying to finish it off before it gets back up. Erizax fumbled a swing of his staff and accidentally threw it up into the air, to land 5 yards away. Randall was gored by a boar and is injured but not critically so. Violetta got hit by an axe-wielding orc, but fortunately (Impulse Point) it was only a flesh wound. The remaining boars are circling round, and the archers have split into 2 groups.

    We ended the session there. The PCs aren't in a fabulous situation, but it could be a lot worse considering the number of enemies they attracted. Erizax's fire has definitely helped to halt the archery volleys for the moment. Eleanor, Erizax, and Randall have all used their Luck; some of them twice. Add to that Impulse Points for Second Wind and Flesh Wound, and fate has been keeping the party alive. Let's see if their fortune runs out next session...


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