DF Soaring Phoenix, Session 81 - late summary by Merrill

          Here is a belated summary by the player of Merrill, up to the start of the current fight. Some of the below is inaccurate from my PoV from behind the metaphorical GM screen. Nonetheless as the account of an imperfect in-character recollection, we can let it stand. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Date:    Tuesday 18 June 2024

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 233 points (PC)
Copper, sumpter (pack horse), unknown points (Animal)
Eleanor Bayley, human adventurer (thief), 296 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Ally)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 292 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk monk (martial artist), 234 points (PC)
Violetta, human warrior (barbarian), 161 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 173 points (NPC Ally)

Campaign Dates:    3 thru 5 February, Year 647 of the Vycenaean Empire.


Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail:

It bright day when friends set out to Titan's hand. Sun not hiding behind cloud and it cold enough that Merrill thank Mother Goddess that he has fur, so it day that nearly perfect. It strange to think that some time ago there nothing Merrill like more than go to Bridgegate and stay for long long time, but now he thinking it good to be on road again. Perhaps this because Bridgegate no longer town Merrill remember, it bigger now, it change. Of course Merrill spend much much time getting to know people, because what is town without people? But in old days, people they have things they need doing, and always looking for adventurers to do things that need doing. It exciting time, it time of not knowing what is next thing that happen, or next adventure. 

Now there is guild. 

Merrill certain it good guild, and it run by good guild master, but it still... boring. There no excitement in it. Good source of coin, yes yes, but only things Merrill do through guild were walking as guard for town. That thing that need doing, Merrill certain, but it not thing Merrill good at. And Merrill not walking Path of Master only to stand at gate and tell people there toll. 

On day Eleanor and Ben return, Eleanor go to guild to ask about registering friends as group for hire. She told it cost much coin, and only job available it escorting caravan that expected in town in week or two. Of one thing Merrill is certain... that Eleanor the swift made swift calculation and decide it not worth paying fees to wait for caravan and earn small amount of coin. If there coin to be earned, Eleanor always looking at the bigger pile of coin. So she say to friends, we all go to Titan's hand, see if there way to open magic door that keep us out last year, and then on to Fairhill. From there, she say, to Cribble, then to Mere, then to explore wilderness. If guild take all jobs in Bridgegate, we go to place where there jobs but not guild. 

So it bright day when friends leave Bridgegate to Titan's hand, and it curious group that leave. Of Doran the deep there been no sign, and Merrill thinking old friend not coming back. Perhaps he happier in dwarven lands, perhaps family say he too young to go out in world and fight trolls with axe. Perhaps he find peace in being blacksmith. Merrill does not know, but he wish Doran all best, and one day... perhaps one day Merrill in need of fine thing that Dwarven, and need particular Dwarven smith. But friends now have Violetta, and Violetta talk much. Merrill always happy to talk much, but at time it difficult to talk between Merrill and Violetta. Merrill know he speak language with accent, and Violetta speak language with accent, but it not same accent, and time to time we not understand what said. Urgh, Merrill want to teach friends language of Ears and Tails, it much much more precise than language of Words, but friends not have Ears That Speak or Tail That Tells. Only other new friend, Copper, he have Ears and Tail, but he also horse and not speak any language Merrill speak. 

At night there not much changed. We keep same watch, we sleep in same tents, Merrill still roll over to keep spot of Eleanor warm when she stand watch. It good feeling, it feel everything normal again. 

Next day, Ben lead group on new path to Titan's Hand. Ben certain certain of where going, as if Ben know where is place that moon rises and sets without looking. It also seem to Merrill that Ben more confident in leading friends to places, and that good thing. Merrill not want to think only guide on plain that completely barren not certain where going! Plain it is Strider Barrens, which named according to custom that local. By that Merrill mean it completely barren, and large birds that not fly called Striders live on it. And then, all sudden, Barrens not barren. There tree. Tree that big big! 

On Barrens, all trees look like big tree because there no other tree, but this tree it big big by self. It stand on slight rise, and make Merrill's fur stand on end for moment. Merrill first to admit, he not very good with spiritual aspect of being monk. In Temple, it more important to know what question ask, and how to hit and kick, and thing that spiritual it only come when novice curious and ask questions from Priestess. Merrill know more now than he did before, but it still not very much. But even Merrill can tell that this tree is thing that deeply spiritual. This not normal tree, this Tree. So of course friends approach and say 'this is big tree in middle of nowhere that grow straight and never hit by fire and never torn down and still in bloom despite it cold, perhaps it good idea to climb tree and see far!'. It also of course that Merrill first to volunteer to climb tree. Not only because Merrill enjoy climbing trees, and has enjoyed climbing trees since he small kitten, but because it clear that tree not easy to climb and Merrill equipped with means of climbing that not available to other friends. 

So Merrill climb, putting claws in bark with care and great respect, and go to limb that high but not too high. Merrill certain it very bad idea to climb to top of tree! From where Merrill sit, he see across barrens and see Striders. He also see figures far far away that running. They running because they chased by thing that look to Merrill like dragon. So Merrill apologise to tree for disturbing peace of tree, assure tree that he mean no disrespect, and climb back down to tell friends. They ask, how far is dragon? Merrill say he not know because it far far, but people look like thing that very small, so he certain it far. They ask, how big dragon? Merrill say dragon big big, because people that run from dragon look small small, but dragon look like shape of dragon and much bigger. Friends ask, is dragon coming this way? 

That good question, so Merrill climb again, but when he get to same limb of tree that clearly Tree, dragon it disappeared. That mean it either so far away Merrill cannot see, and Merrill see far, or it landed and that mean it likely eating. In cases of both, dragon not coming way of friends. Merrill apologises again to Tree, and give Tree respects and best wishes, and climb back down to tell friends that no, dragon it not coming this way. 

So friends move on to Titan's Hand, and when Hand come into view, it also obvious we not alone now. 

For long time friends hear that it dangerous to walk Strider Barrens, because there Orcs on Barrens. Friends hear that travel between villages, like friends now doing, it very dangerous and nearly impossible. Everyone say, there too many Orcs now. 

And at base of Titan's Hand, there very clearly encampment. 

It look to Merrill that friends finally find Orcs.


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