GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge - Backerkit Survey

 SJ Games sent out the Backerkit surveys for GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge a few days ago. I've completed mine and already received the links to the 12 new titles:

GURPS Action 6 - Tricked Out Rides

GURPS Hot Spots - The Incense Trail
GURPS Template Toolkit 3 - Starship Crew
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 3 - Deep Night and the Star
How to be a GURPS GM - Ritual Path Magic
GURPS Steampunk Adventure - The Broken Clockwork World
GURPS Reign of Steel - Read the Sky

GURPS Monster Hunters Encounters 1
GURPS Action 7 - Mercenaries

GURPS Boardroom and Curia - Tomorrow Rides
GURPS Horror - Beyond the Pale
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21 - Megadungeons

 I backed at the $99 level, and I've chosen my other titles ($125 credit in other GURPS PDFs available from Warehouse 23). It seems that the Warehouse 23 part of the delivery won't start until September, as they are giving until 31 August for everyone to complete their Backerkit surveys.

 If you backed the project and haven't yet completed your survey, don't wait! Go fill that out now :-)

 I haven't yet read through all the above PDFs. Some I am in no rush to read, as they not immediately applicable to my ongoing campaign. So far I've skimmed through the two DF books and the Hot Spots title. I think they each make me wish they were a bit longer, but I'm glad to have them, and they feel like a good deal for the price.

 GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21 - Megadungeons does rekindle my interest to plonk down a megadungeon in my existing campaign. That said, several of my players might prefer not to concentrate on one dungeon though. I still have plenty of published DF adventures (DFA 1 & 2, the DFRPG books from Gaming Ballistic, and several from Pyramid magazine) to run, so I'd have to be sure a megadungeon was going to see enough use to be worth the effort.

 GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 3 - Deep Night and the Star wants me to run it. It's a nice little adventure. I just need our ultra-terrestrial overlords to wait their turn in the queue...

 GURPS Hot Spots - The Incense Trail is also cool. It's historical rather than fantastical, but I can see me getting some inspiration out of this for our existing DF campaign setting.


  1. I really liked Tomorrow Rides, and think I might try and incorporate that organisation in my Nemesis (non-GURPS) game. The abstract battle & montage idea in Merceneries is also highly suggestive.

    1. I have not read Tomorrow Rides yet. Are you telling me not to, in case you might use it?


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