DF Novices, Session 27

    Session 27 was last week, on Tuesday 25 April. I don't have a proper write-up of that session, but here's a brief summation:

The party looted the bodies of their opponents from the fight at the end of the previous session. Having heard voices, they paused before returning to the passageway. The next room they reached, the door was ajar. Inside, they found zombies inside the room, standing at the ready, waiting. Most of the party entered the room to fight, while Eleanor kept watch outside. As the they fought the zombies, a band of goblins and hobgoblins arrived, momentarily creating a second front until the remaining zombies could be dispatched.

The accumulated cost of multiple healings on the injured party members was taking its toll. The group decided to return to town at that point rather than press on further and risk more permanent casualties. They left the mine having discovered no new areas, and almost emptyhanded. With just enough loot to cover a night at the inn and another day's rations, they vowed to return to the mine the next day...


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