DF Novices, Team-A, Session 51 - Doran's Log

We played last night. Here is an in-character report for the last session from the player of Doran. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Date:    Tuesday 31 October 2023

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 132 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard
, dwarf knight, 162 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 191 points (PC)
Dagne, human cleric, 125 points (NPC Hireling)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 195 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran, 135 points (NPC)
Yorgen Gant, human knight (squire), 91 points (PC)
Ulokk, half-ogre thief, 85 points (NPC)


We resumed exactly where we were. One of the goblins was already running away from Yorgen and I, so I ran up to him and slashed in the back. It was clear he was injured and I knew I could finish him off with just a couple more hits but Yorgen told me to ‘leave them’ before turning his back and walking away.

Anyone who has read my previous logs will know I hate goblins. They ransacked my Gramp’s shop and several other establishments in our village a few years ago. So I had to make a split decision as to whether I should listen to the balloon* headed pr!ck or keep fighting the retreating buggers alone. In the end, I managed to hold in my disregard for Yorgen and agreed I’d be more helpful alongside the others than I would be slashing at two stupid pieces of vermin alone. 

As I said before Eleanor did call out to let us know that there were goblins attacking her too. So despite the fact I saw Yorgen turning right to join Ben I kept on down the corridor towards the rest of the party. As I made my way there I heard a voice somewhere behind me. I couldn’t understand what was being said so assumed it was the goblins retreating. 

By the time I reached the rest of the party the goblins they’d been battling were in retreat too. Eleanor had already sheathed her weapon and was in the process of picking up her pack. So when Yorgen also reached us he instructed them to leave the mine for good or die! I must say his determination and clarity of threat kind of impressed me, so I seconded what he said with all my built up anger and then Ulokk said something I didn’t understand. 

Yorgen was having a look around when Eleanor said she heard something. So we all headed back down in the direction I’d just come. When we turned the corner we were faced with a horde of zombies. I guess that noise I heard earlier wasn’t goblins after all. 

We set up in our normal formation with Ben, Yorgen and me up front. There were 9 zombies directly in front of us. I started slashing at the one directly ahead of me and knocked it down in just 3 hits! 

But then a giant zombie hobgoblin appeared. Whilst I was dealing with the second zombie he attacked Yorgen so I used my shield wall training to help him. He may be a big-headed pr!ck but he’s definitely starting to grow on me and I didn’t want to see him getting hurt. 

Before I even managed to knock out the second zombie, Eleanor managed to shoot the big hobgoblin in the head and knocked him right down. It happened right in front of me and was super cool to see. 

Just as I took my final swing at the zombie and knocked him down, those looking behind started yelling for Eleanor and her crossbow. I have know idea what is going on, it sure sounds scary but for now I have another zombie to deal with as well as a bunch of rats…. 


* The GM has no idea where the character got such an anachronistic concept as a balloon. Perhaps the young Doran once saw a display of sky lanterns :-)


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