DF Novices, Eleanor, downtime interlude

         Here is an IC summary of Eleanor's downtime, in the year that happened between sessions 78 and 79. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Party roster:

Eleanor Bayley, human adventurer (thief), 233 points (PC)

Campaign Dates:    From 17 December, Year 645 to 30 December, Year 646.


It has been a long time. Pretty much a year at this point. I can't even imagine how much everyone might have grown in this time. I have definitely grown myself. It's been even longer since we all first met. I had no idea that these guys would end up becoming my closest friends, my brothers and sisters. It is almost time that I get back to Bridgegate.

But enough about that. I spent a lot of my time in Abdurna with my Uncle. He's as bad as ever but I am glad to see him. I didn't realize how much I had changed since then. I used to do what he asked of me since I didn't see the bigger picture and now I felt hesitant to do something that might mess up what I have. The Soaring Phoenix is where I belong. I know they need me and I know I need them too. They made me who I am now, for better or worse.

I helped out my Uncle with a task. I won't go into any detail here but I felt it wasn't going to end well from the start. Lo and behold it didn't work out but I feel like I got to reinforce the idea that the life I had before is not what I want. Being away from it all really made it apparent to me now that I came back, and I miss my friends and the things we do. It never really hit me until now just how long it has been and how much we have been through. Months upon months of adventuring, learning new things, meeting new people and at this point I am amazed at how far we have come.

I took a job to guard a caravan to get away for a bit and find my own niche but rather than that it seems my niche found me. At first I didn't want this responsibility but now I look forward to it. I don't enjoy having to be in charge but I know it is for the best and I feel like I make a big difference for our group by doing it. The more I interact with people now the more I feel that I was closed in before. I could only see people as US or THEM.

It's still there, but now it feels like I can understand it. Maybe I'll never be able to trust a stranger. At least not like Merrill does. But that doesn't bother me. I don't need to trust them. But it does feel better knowing what's going on in my head. It has been a lot more thinking now that I am only responsible for myself. Usually my head feels clouded with worries about all the others.

But it's about time to go back. We'll meet up again in Bridgegate.

I miss them.

- Eleanor


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