DF Soaring Phoenix (Novices Team-A), Session 80 - Report by Eleanor

         Here is an in-character summary of the last session by the player of Eleanor. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

    Another month has passed in Bridgegate before Ben, Eleanor and Dagne returned to the town...

Session Date:    Tuesday 11 June 2024

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 233 points (PC)
Copper, young sumpter (pack horse), unknown points (Animal)
Eleanor Bayley, human adventurer (thief), 296 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Ally)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 292 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk monk (martial artist), 234 points (PC)
Violetta, human warrior (barbarian), 161 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 173 points (NPC Ally)

Campaign Date:    1 and 2 February, Year 647 of the Vycenaean Empire.


Who said that change is good? My friends have been in Bridgegate for a while as I return. Merrill, Erizax, Randall and this new person, Violetta. I return after a year and my friends have found a new companion for us to get behind. I am not sure I can get behind her. She supposedly comes from another place, unlike here. One with only one moon. But there are clearly similarities. She recognizes a lot of things but she did not speak our language, at least not until now. She apparently learned it well in the last month. 

She noted that I am not the strongest in the group, which is quite easy to tell with how towering Ben is. But she also remarked that if I am the leader but not the strongest it likely means that I am the smart one. I wondered if Erizax would take offense but he did not and I didn't feel the need to deny it. She appears friendly, if a bit simple-minded at times. Though different than how Ben doesn't seem to question things. 

We discussed a lot. The mercenary guild that has come here. What to do next. What items we do or do not sell. The things we've collected now are impressive but remain things we do not have great use for. They are all incredible items yet I felt that we should sell most of them. Nothing there compares to the incredible power that the cloak I wield holds. Randall disagreed that we should sell anything of great value unless we had something that we really wanted to buy and while I don't agree with it in the end we kept everything, for now. 

We asked the guild for work and as there was nothing for us now we decided to head out. We will look into the Titan's Hand that we went to and killed plenty of undead in. There was talk about considering it as our base, though I don't really like the idea of living away from town. 

Either way we will head out soon. After we are done here we will look into Fairhill and Cribble. There's rumors about things happening over there so hopefully it will be something that pays for our future bills. 

- Eleanor


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