DF Soaring Phoenix (Novices Team-A), Session 79 - Half a bird, not yet on fire

    We had a session last night. To be clear, in case it was not already obvious, the post title is not literal. I'm just having a bit of fun. The group had previously agreed to name themselves "Soaring Phoenix" and now we are at the beginning of a new chapter, so this seemed like a good moment to start using that label for this group's adventures through the campaign as a whole. 

    A year has passed in-game since the end of the previous adventure. Most of the party spent some or all of their downtime away from the area. In fact, (for entirely not-fun real-world reasons) not all of the players were available. And so, not all of the party members have yet returned to Bridgegate. So this session was just Erizax and Merrill, with Randall, and a new recruit...

Session Date:    Tuesday 4 June 2024

Party roster:

Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 292 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk monk (martial artist), 234 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), unknown points (NPC)
, human warrior (barbarian), 160 points (PC)

Campaign Date:    2 and 3 January, Year 647 of the Vycenaean Empire.


    Merrill and Erizax met at the Old Gate inn, where they caught up on some of what each other had been up to in the last year, as well as pondering changes in the Duchy of Bridgegate. Elsewhere, Randall bumped into Violetta. A brief and awkward conversation ensued, in which it became apparent that not only was Violetta new in town, she was very new and had not yet mastered the local language. Seeing not only this, but that Violetta clearly had the stature and the will to look after herself, Randall offered to buy her a drink. Violetta readily agreed. He took her to the Old Gate inn, where they encountered the only other members of the company to have yet arrived in town.

The group learned of the following changes in the town since they had been gone:

- The population of the town of Bridgegate has grown substantially in the last year.

- New houses have been built on the northern side of the Greywash river. The town was previously entirely on the southern bank of the river, excepting a gate at the north side of the bridge.

- The new district is protected by a palisade, and a new guard barracks.

- The Old Gate is no longer the only inn in town. The Silver Crown tavern has been extended and is now an inn. However previous news that the Old Gate inn was itself going to expand has not come true.

- The town now has a Mercenaries Guild. Membership there is apparently mandatory if anyone wants a (legal) job as a warrior or guard, or if a group wishes to register themselves as a company for hire.

- There is a new manor house just beyond the town wall, on the south-west side. It appeared there last year.

    Violetta had never encountered cat-folk before, and her introduction resulted in Merrill getting lots of attention, not all of which was wanted. Upon learning that Merrill could apparently fight, Violetta was enthusiastic to challenge him to a friendly duel, which was accepted.

    The sparring match took place outside the town walls. Not wanting to seriously hurt her much smaller and unarmoured opponent, Violetta elected that they should not use weapons. This was in hindsight a mistake, as her brawling experience pales in comparison to Violetta's skill with her weapon of choice (a one-handed flail). Forgoing a weapon for Merrill however, was an opportunity for him to demonstrate how much better he had become with using his bare claws. 

After a few scratches and a couple of judo throws, Merrill had to eventually grapple Violetta on the ground until she could barely move, as she was so determined she was unwilling to yield until the last. Once he had done this, Merrill then graciously conceded the fight. Violetta seemed to enjoy the contest, despite not actually winning. The group members were impressed by her toughness, and agreed that Violetta should join them, if she wished. Violetta agreed.

    Randall offered to take Violetta to the temple of Mezzan, where he paid for her wounds (which Violetta insisted were minor) to be healed. But first Randall had to pay at the palisade gate to get them back into town, despite the grumbling that they hadn't been gone but a couple hours. That complaint did not sway the guards; rules are rules (and the walls don't maintain themselves, etc etc).

    After the temple visit, Erizax wanted to go and look at this new house that had apparently "appeared" outside town. Randall pointed out however that this would mean going out the other town gate, which would mean paying to get back in again. Randall said he would happily go if Erizax was willing to part with his own coins for the gate toll this time, but the miserly wizard was not. So visiting this new house will have to wait.

    Erizax was also interested to know whether there had been any more kidnappings since the party dealt with the villain-for-hire who who had been behind the disappearances  of spellcasters last year. Visiting the shop "Spices and Reagents", which has long been the town's only quasi-magical supply shop, Erizax spoke to the proprietor Ritalla and learned that there had been some attacks and people missing since last year. However these were not obviously kidnappings. And they were not specifically spellcasters either. Those events also apparently happened both north and south of the river.

    On a related note, Erizax also learned that more spellcasters have been seen around town in recent months. Presumably this is part of the general growth of the town. There is also talk of a Magicians Guild being formed, likely along the same lines as the new Mercenaries Guild.

    Erizax also wanted to visit Father Marcus, a priest whom the party had met in their formational adventure, and who now also lives in Bridgegate. Upon arriving at the house, they did not actually get to meet Marcus however. Methra, one of the acolytes whom the PCs also knew from before, welcomed them into the house but explained the priest was too unwell to see them. So far their attempts to setup a shrine to their god have been unsuccessful in the town, and this seems to have taken its toll upon the cleric. Merrill made a small donation to the cause, and told Methra that he would be back to visit again soon in the hopes of meeting Father Marcus then. Merrill and Erizax explained to Violetta that the god of Father Marcus and his followers is the god of the dead, and that their presence in town is not entirely liked by the locals. As with many of their conversations so far, Violetta only partially understood. "Death god," she replied. "Yes, god of death. Death, good." Not quite the same thing, but close enough.

    Now they must decide what to do, while they wait to their remaining party members to return...


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