DF Soaring Phoenix, Session 81b - PbP combat interlude - Wave 2

     We had a session on Tuesday. However before we get to summarising that, I should finish summarising the PbP interlude. There was a second wave of goblin-kin after the first, and we got partway through that via PbP, before we switched back to the regular online session. 

    To manage the PbP as efficiently as possible, I didn't do every action interactively with each player; that would have taken too long. Instead, we did it in blocks of turns. I described the setup to the players and gave them a screenshot of the battlemap. Then I asked them each to let me know any changes of their positioning or loadout before the enemies arrive, their general plans of attack/defence, and any specific instructions. Armed with those responses, I then calculated as many turns of the combat as possible in sequence, and updated them only when I paused. When I paused was down to my judgement, when the battlefield conditions had changed enough that I felt I wanted to get fresh input from the players as to their plans/actions. Or alternatively, when I needed to stop arbitrarily for real-world reasons, then I would post an update to the players then, to give them time to reassess in my absence.

    If anyone is missing in a particular turn summary, it's because they only moved a bit, or continued aiming or waiting or whatever.

Session Date:    N/A

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 233 points (PC)
Copper, sumpter (pack horse), unknown points (Animal)
Eleanor Bayley, human adventurer (thief), 296 points (PC)
Dagne Timar, human priestess of Metallys (cleric), 147 points (NPC Ally)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 292 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk monk (martial artist), 234 points (PC)
Violetta, human warrior (barbarian), 161 points (PC)
Randall, human veteran (knight), 173 points (NPC Ally)

Campaign Date:    5 February, Year 647 of the Vycenaean Empire.


    Setup: After the first wave of orcs was defeated, the Soaring Phoenix could see that they had limited time before the next wave(s) arrived. Violetta prioritised her own bloodlust, and pummelled each of their fallen foes with her morningstar. Randall retrieved his hatchet. Ben put on his shield. The party decided how to face two separate flanks, not knowing whether two groups of goblin-kin would both attack at the same time. Violetta and Eleanor watched as the orcs with animals stopped and mounted their beasts, which turned out to be very large boars, and turned to face the Soaring Phoenix. The other group of goblin-kin infantry kept marching closer. When the boar riders start charging, Erizax decides to abandon his close-but-not-completed casting of Mystic Mist, and instead do something else...


Erizax turn 1: Conjures 4d Explosive Fireball.

Eleanor turn 1: Shoots at closest boar. Misses. Shouts "Cavalry incoming!"


Erizax turns 2-5: Aims until targets reach distance of ~15yards.

Eleanor turns 2-5: Reloads crossbow and aims. Shouts "Beast riders!"

Merrill turns 2-5: Merrill taps Ben on the shoulder and says "Hold here!" Then he runs to join Violetta and Eleanor, stands slightly in front of Eleanor, and readies his spear.

Dagne turns 2-5: Moves to Randall and casts Shield spell at level 1 on him. Then she moves to stand behind Merrill.


Erizax turn 6: Throws fireball. Explodes between middle two boars. Minor fire damage.

Eleanor turn 6: Shoots at closest boar. Hits.

Dagne turn 6: Casts level 1 Shield spell on Merrill.


Here is screenshot of the battlemap at the start of turn 7.


Erizax turn 7: Move. Erizax moves closer to Violetta and Eleanor, in preparation to cast spells.

Randall turn 7: Attack. Throws hatchet at nearest boar. Hits.

Orcs and Huge Boars turn 7: Move. Boars charge, lining up with their targets as they move closer.

Eleanor turn 7: All out Defence (Dodge). Steps behind Violetta. Fast-draws long knife.

Violetta turn 7: All out Defence (Block).

Merrill turn 7: Wait. Preparing to kiai boar as it gets within 2 yards.

Dagne turn 7: All out Defence (Block). Steps out from behind Merrill.

Ben turn 7: All out Defence (Block). Turns to face charging cavalry.

Copper turn 7: Makes loud horse noise.


Erizax turn 8: Concentrate. Casts level 2 Shield spell on Violetta.

Randall turn 8: Readies warhammer.

Orcs and Huge Boars turn 8: Move. Boars charge closer. The central four are now within 2 yards of their targets. Merrill's wait action triggers, and he tries to kiai the boar bearing down upon him. Boar wins the QC and is not stunned.

Eleanor turn 8: All out Defence (Dodge). Stays behind Violetta.

Violetta turn 8: All out Defence (Block). With Eleanor right behind her, Violetta steps forward and braces for impact.

Merrill turn 8: Attack. Tries a second kiai on the boar in front of him. Fails.

Dagne turn 8: All out Defence (Block). Steps away from Merrill to give space for movement.

Ben turn 8: Attack. Steps forward and whacks the boar with his battleaxe. Solid hit. Boar wounded.

Copper turn 8: Sound of horse moving quickly.


Here is the battlemap at the start of turn 9.


Erizax turn 9: Concentrate. Casts level 2 Shield spell on Eleanor.

Randall turn 9: Attack. Steps to side. Swings warhammer at orc rider. Orcs blocks with shield.

Orcs and Huge Boars turn 9: Move and Attack. 

Boar charges into Violetta. With a retreating block, Violetta is able to protect herself, but not prevent the boar from pushing past and charging into Eleanor and Erizax. As they pass, the orc rider slashes at Violetta. The blade gets through her armour but is blunted by her tough skin. Minor wound. The boar keeps going. Eleanor does a retreating dodge one way, and Erizax the other way. Both escape the impact.

Boar charges at Randall. He sidesteps with a retreating dodge, and the boar charges on. The orc rider slashes as they pass, but Randall is able to dodge the blade also.

Boar charges at Ben. He blocks the attack, but is unable to prevent the boar from pushing past. The orc rider swings at Ben but misses. After passing Ben, the boar turns to charge down Eleanor. Eleanor dodges.

Boar charges at Ben. He fails to dodge, and the boar slams into him. Both boar and half-ogre are wounded by the impact (Ben loses 10 HP). The rider also slashes at Ben, which he fails to stop, but thankfully the sword is stopped by Ben's armour and thick skin.

Boar charges at Merrill. With a retreating dodge, Merrill steps aside. The rider swings at Merrill as they pass, but misses. The boar continues on and charges into Erizax. Luck used. Erizax (only just) dodges.

Boar charges at Dagne, but the blessings of Metallys are upon her. The boar misses Dagne and charges on. The orc rider slashes at her as they pass, but Dagne retreats and dodges the blade.

Eleanor turn 9: All out Defence (Dodge). Steps behind Violetta.

Violetta turn 9: Attack. Violetta turns, steps between Randall and Eleanor, and swings at the boar behind them. Solid hit.

Merrill turn 9: Attack. Merrill turns, steps behind Dagne, and swings at the passing boar. Two staff hits. One minor and one solid blow.

Dagne turn 9: Concentrate. Dagne steps back and spins round to check on her companions.

Ben turn 9: Attack. Ben steps and turns to glance over towards Copper, swinging his axe at the boar as he does so. The boar deflects the swing with its tusk.

Copper turn 9: Move. Copper can be seen briefly before he gallops off the map.


Here is the battlemap at the start of turn 10.


    At that point I paused the PbP, as it was 2 days before the session, and we had achieved the objective of getting past the Mystic Mist situation. The fight would continue during the session...


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