The Madness Dossier - Trial combat

    A while back, I was prepping for a Madness Dossier game, which in the end sadly didn't happen. Anyway, for part of that prep I ran a number of straightforward mock combats, between a putative Sandman operative PC and a scorpion-man. This was to get a feel for the lethality of the combat, both using modern firearms (most of my GURPS combat experience has been fantasy/medieval) and whether a PC could go against one of the monstrous enemy footsoldiers one-on-one.

    I found these in my old notes, and include the first summary here in case it is of interest. For the combat, I measured the distance but didn't use a battlemap as there were only 2 combatants and I wasn't using terrain as a complication. I started the combatants close enough to allow for both ranged and melee possibilities. I gave the Sandman the benefit of going first.

SANDMAN commando vs Scorpion-man, Test 1

Setup: Sandman has Glock-17 pistol. Scorpion-man armed with machete and SMG. Open terrain. 10yds apart at start of combat, facing each other. Weapons drawn. Neither is surprised. Sandman goes first.

Sandman turn 1: Attack. Fires 3 rounds at the irruptor; steps back. 2 bullets on target. Scorpion-man dodges, both rounds miss.

Irruptor turn 1: Move and Attack. Scorpion-man flies 10 yards to melee range, swings machete. Misses.

Sandman turn 2: Attack. Steps back; fires 3 rounds at the irruptor, point blank. All 3 on target. Scorpion-man dodges, 2 rounds hit. Solid torso hit with 1 round, which pierces the scorpion-man's chitin. Minor wound. 

Irruptor turn 2: All-out Attack. Steps forward, attacking twice; swings and thrusts with machete. Commando retreats, dodges both attacks.

Sandman turn 3: Attack. Steps back; fires 3 rounds at the irruptor, point blank. Critical Hit. All 3 bullets on target, irruptor cannot defend; any injury to be counted as major wound. One round causes minor damage, two are more serious. Scorpion-man has to make three knockdown checks (all 3 counted as major wounds due to crit); irruptor passes all three rolls.

Irruptor turn 3: Fails unconsciousness check; collapses.

Fight over within 3 seconds. Sandman wins.

EDIT: The first fight was over quicker than I expected. Not all the tests were so one-sided. 

EDIT 2: Editing blogger posts on the phone is a pain. WYSIWYG it ain't.


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