Confessions of Childerbert Ingoberger - Session 65

 The following is an IC summary written by Childerbert's player. This the last of the backlog; this session was played 2020/05/21. The usual disclaimer about the intelligibility of Bert's regional accent applies.

 As usual, I am giving +1 character point (XP) for those players who submit a summary for me to post here on the blog.


 So, woi made our way out of the Evil Cave, me chunterin’ under me breath, but at least Oi weren’t bound no more.  Miao tried to explain ter moi: “Darvin ‘as been accursed.”  She said.  “Bain’t ‘isself, Evil ‘as tekken ‘old in’s ‘eart.” ‘Xactly how she said it, word fer word.  “Oi ‘ads to fib at ‘im, fer ‘is sake, out o’ loyalty an’ friendship, loike.” Miaoee said.  Me, Oi kept me council, Darvin ‘ad been a bit huggy wi’s sack, but loot is loot: still, if the godly folks says, and Merry One and Worry One both saids ‘ee was accursed, then accursed by their gods ‘ee were and bain’t fer the loikes o’ Oi ter goes speaking against the big folks gods.  The Lady, she moight ’ave words, they are what is and what is is ‘cept when t’ain’t nor bain’t, but well is well as well and that is well an’ good save when not well nor good and if folk can be well they should be well.  Let be be, Oi say, an’ let folk be well as well if’n they will nor gods nor priests.

 So, t’were agreed that Darvin would gi’ ‘is money to the temple an’ that would take the curse wi’ it.  As usual.  The loot in’s sack would be melted down.

 As woi walked back, ol’ Miaoee came over an’ asked Childerbert ter ‘and over the sparkle for safety.  Well, o’ course, Oi’m ‘ere in company ter do moi right by all, and what’s gained together belongs together, but Oi kept one sparkle back, as compensation fer the kerfuffling.  ‘Sides, Oi thought, Oi’ll buy’s all dinner, sees if that don’t lift some o’ the cloud over the company.  Wi’ that in mind, I suggested woi should name our company.  Woi all chuntered on o’ that as we walked, Darvin loiked the oidea, said names is magick an ‘tis best ter control names, but Miao reckoned it’s sully ‘er name to have a mercenary company ter ‘er name:  “We is all friends, loike” she said (‘er very words oi aver).  Very loike an aristo, thinks Oi, ter talk o’ love nor contract nor service.  Oi works fer shiny to get me grub, thankee koindly.

 Well, woi went back to the temple an’ paid fer what should be given, an’ got’s all ‘ealed back up from all our cuts and bruises.  Though the memory o’ that cut pains me yet, an oi shudder ter think o it still.

 Oi ran ‘head ter the inn, an bargained wi’ the innkeep, “Take this sparkle,” Oi saids, “an giz wine an’ food: finest in the house, an’ drinks all round, fer our company, the Friends o’ Miaow ‘ve much ter celebrate in our victories.” Oi even got us Full On wine, not that half wine stuff yer gets normal, loike.  An’ indeed, we ate an’ drank an’ were the toast o’ the ‘eavin’ tavern: an’ Darvin ‘ee spelt a show o’ our battle wi’ ‘is trickery.  Though Oi don’t remember all those demons an’ whatnot, nor ‘im slaying one, but a show is a show an’ ‘oo am Oi to tell what’s a tell: truth is truth, if’ yer ken.

 So, wi’ sore ‘ead, next day woi sets back ter clear out what’s left o’cult an’ – more importantly – get the sparkle from the bone throne an’ what not.  So, now, it was straight in an’ easy, no opposition, we gathered all the shiny an’ sparkle in the throne room, wi’ Miaow cooing so over the value o’ the sparkle.

 As we moide our way out, young Ingoberger ‘ere spotted what woi ‘ad missed ‘fore: there were a secret door in the corridor wall.  Now, troi as we moight, we couln’t open it, so woi went back ter the throne room ter look for more and see if there were a way from t’other soide.  Now, woi found’s the door, an’ went through inter some sort o’ sacristy, a preisty warren.  All richly appointed in fine woods an’ leathers an’ loike.  We went through to some inner bedroom, an’ there was a wicked looking statue wi’ sparkle in’s eyes, well, Miao went ter take the sparkle, an’ the statue fell on ‘er, gi’ ‘er quite a knock.

 We set ter searching the room, an as Oi looked in the wardrobe a panel opened, an’ oio was showered wi’ sparkle an’ shiny money.  So much, that some even fell in me pocket, as oi learned later, after Oi’d handed over all the loot we picked up.

 We didn’t find the Gordon, an’ woi bain’t finished exploring the cave, though Oi reckon three to a flame is bad, an’ we should get goin’ wi’ our gains, Oi reckon Miao’ll  ‘ave us back in one more toime…


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