DF Novices, Session 20 - Report by Eleanor

    We played a session last night. Here is a write-up from the player of Eleanor. I am giving out Impulse Points* to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Date:    Tuesday 7 March 2023

Party roster:
Agis Keylar, wood elf cleric, 94 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard, dwarf knight, 86 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 92 points (PC)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 90 points (PC)
Renaud Aymon, human holy warrior, 65 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 123 points (NPC)
Cynric the Wild, human berserker, 62 points (NPC)


We finished them off. At least most of them. One ran away. There might still be more.

Renaud took a beating. Cynric seemed to have strained himself and looked rough as well. Agis is really pulling his weight, at least as long as he doesn't get hurt himself. I'll probably have to look into learning first aid, just in case. Not that it would help much if he's knocked out. At least Renaud is able to perform "miracles" here and there. Though I believe the greatest miracle was Agis' patience when Doran insinuated quite heavily that because Erizax can make light that is just like the gods. The look on his face was.. priceless.

We've managed to find the secret door that some of the goblins came through last time we were here and there were lots of beds around. Clearly the main sleeping area.

The most interesting and unnerving find was the small group of zombies we fought. They had clearly been there for a while with how rotten they were. It wasn't an issue for the group. At this point most of us were getting worn out again so we went back and rested.

Erizax mentioned he heard something but none of us could hear it. I insisted we check it out but Doran reasoned that since we can't hear anything it was surely nothing and he'd keep a watch. I am not sure it was the right choice but nothing attacked us, at least.

Finally we entered a room with some worn beds and chests full of old, ragged clothes. There were some strange coins, goblin-made perhaps, of a silvery nature. And some other old silver coins as well.

I'm starting to think that everything is connected. The zombies in the mines. The undead in the woods. There's something going on. At least we can trust Renaud, some, he does show some divine magic like Agis and he's been slaying goblins and undead alike.

It is a shame Borgergorg is missing. I figure he's still upset that we wouldn't negotiate with the others.

Erizax and Agis also told me more about their magic. I'm rather amazed that we haven't used their abilities more, but as it stands it seems that running straight into whatever is attacking us will remain our strategy.

As long as things aren't attacking me, it should be fine.

P.S. I'm not sure if it was Doran or Erizax but one of them suggested we'd use this place as our base. I am NOT cleaning out the goblin stink from a cave. Nor am I keen to live IN A CAVE.

- Eleanor


* Impulse Points is my experiment with the rules in Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys, which is itself an expansion of the Influencing Success Rolls optional rule originally in p.247 of the Basic Set. It's early days, but so far I think it is working out.


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