Session 22 - Screenshots from the Battle

      Here are some screenshots from the big battle of last night's session.

    Below was during the second turn (AKA the 2nd second) of combat. In addition to their apparent leader, there were two goblins flanking him with spears, and seven more goblins armed with long knives and small shields. The party had come out to meet the goblins, but no-one had yet thrown a punch. The dead bodies outside the room are giant rats from the previous battle.

    Below was during the 5th second of combat. Erizax had just used Create Fire to cover a seven-hex area with flames. The goblin warriors inside the fire moved out of the fire, with one of them falling prone at Doran's feet. The leader however seemed unfazed with standing in a conflagration.

    Below was at the 12th second. 
By this point four of the goblin warriors had gone down. Erizax was using Shape Fire to chase the goblins and keep them moving away from the flames. The goblin leader had emerged from the fire transformed into a humanoid rat-form and was attacking with his claws. Doran the dwarf, already the most heavily armoured of the party, had been buffed by Agis with a level 2 Armour spell, making him almost invulnerable to the attacks of the goblins. Half-naked Cynric however, having previously gone berserk, had eventually fallen to an accumulation of multiple wounds. Renaud having gone around the corner, now found himself facing two goblins alone. He would soon fall next.

    Below was on the 13th turn of combat. Renaud had been impaled by a goblin spear, failed his knockdown roll, and fallen prone. Doran stood alone between the fire and the goblins as a one-man Maginot Line. The remaining party members have been backed to the door by the goblin leader whom even Randall with his two-handed warhammer has been seemingly unable to wound.

    We ended the session there mid-fight. The group is in a dangerous situation...


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