DF Novices, Sessions 18 & 19 - Reports by Eleanor

     Here are a couple of in-character summaries of the two last sessions from the player of Eleanor.

Session Date:    Tuesday 21 February 2023

Party roster:
Agis Keylar, wood elf cleric, 94 points (PC)
Borgergorg, half-ogre barbarian, 91 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard, dwarf knight, 86 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 92 points (PC)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 90 points (PC)
Renaud Aymon, human holy warrior, 65 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 123 points (NPC)
Cynric the Wild, human berserker, 62 points (NPC)


Goblin caves. Clean-up time.

We managed to defeat most of the goblins. Some of them had escaped and we were not fit to chase after them. Renaud was down on the floor, unconscious, Randal and Cynric both wounded and Agis also being beaten up.
At least we got out of the situation alive. There wasn't much to be found but we managed to get some loot, along with the ears, to bring back.
The guards at the city* gates were suddenly not very keen on Borgergorg entering. Something about Half-Ogres, no doubt. He seemed upset we were going to go back to finish off the goblins. I am honestly getting weary of this friendly behaviour towards these things.

We spoke to our contractor about the situation and he didn't seem pleased with us having only mostly killed all the goblins. It's not like we intentionally let them get away, but we promised to go back and deal with the rest. I imagine they will be long gone by now but a job is a job.

Renaud didn't have any money since he had just been mugged. He's lucky Agis was happy to pay for him. I found a nice abandoned shack to rest up in for the night. The next morning Agis and Erizax went to the church to get some things done and I sold the extra sword I had.

I am not looking forward to another dive. Perhaps this time we can at least focus on dealing with the goblins without Borgergorg having to give them the advantage of letting them know we're coming.

I doubt it.

- Eleanor


Session Date:    Tuesday 28 February 2023

Party roster:
Agis Keylar, wood elf cleric, 94 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard, dwarf knight, 86 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 92 points (PC)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 90 points (PC)
Renaud Aymon, human holy warrior, 65 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 123 points (NPC)
Cynric the Wild, human berserker, 62 points (NPC)


We returned to the caves.

After a short rest goblins came out of the cave and Doran, ehm, bravely started charging them right away.
We fought them. There weren't many and they managed to set up some kind of ambush. After we killed most of them we found a sack filled with.. some kind of ore. Or so Doran thinks. I have never seen anything like it but I never saw anything like it.

Then there was the second trip into the caves. The goblins were more prepared this time and we spent a while making sure there were no hidden doors.. but that lead to us being ambushed when we weren't prepared. Archers around the bend. I had a feeling that they were going to come behind us and it turned out to be true.

There was a lot of fighting going on while I ensured that they wouldn't sneak up on us. In the end they fired bows at me but I managed to avoid it. Most of the fighting was done on the other end of the tunnel. At this point there can't be many goblins left.

At this point I am getting tired of this kind of work. There's not a lot of loot to be found and there's a lot of fighting to be done. It's hard being the responsible person while everyone else is going crazy with their magic or swinging their weapons.

- Eleanor


* GM's note: Bridgegate is a small town, of about 1500 people. The players keep calling it a city though, even when their PCs would know better. Oh well.


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