DF Novices, Team-A, Session 48 - Diary of Merrill Tangled Tail

            Here is an in-character report from the player of Merrill. As always, I am giving out an Impulse Point to any player who writes a summary for the blog.

Session Dates:    Tuesday 10 October 2023

Party roster:

Ben, half-ogre barbarian, 132 points (PC)
Doran Longbeard
, dwarf knight, 159 points (PC)
Eleanor Bayley, human thief, 174 points (PC)
Dagne, human cleric, 125 points (NPC Hireling)
Erizax Ofaris, human wizard, 178 points (PC)
Merrill Tangled Tail, cat-folk martial artist, 92 points (PC)
Randall, human warrior, 135 points (NPC)


Diary of Merrill Tangle Tail:

It seem that many a time, Merrill can open entry saying suddenly there fire. It true that without Erizax the Wise, friends would have been in big big trouble many many time. Normally, when there big big trouble, there suddenly fire. So, when Merrill and Randall and Ben need fight Hobgoblin, suddenly there fire. Much fire. Enough fire that archers and other goblins and orcs in cross corridor cannot see friends or Merrill. It only Hobgoblin who can see, and Hobgoblin surrounded by fire. Moons be praised, it seem this will be quick fight.

It unfortunate then that Hobgoblin did not know meaning of word quit. Possibly Hobgoblin not know meaning of many many words, but of many words Hobgoblin did not know, it clear that quit was very high on list. Through fire, Hobgoblin jumps at friends and attack. It seem as if fight soon over, because Ben hit Hobgoblin very hard with hatchet, and it terrifying to see how hard Ben can hit. When Ben hit thing, it stay hit. Merrill also cracks three sixteenth staff as hard as Merrill can into Hobgoblin, and Randall complete very painful moment for enemy and cutting it into one leg hard enough for Hobgoblin to fall over. Of course Merrill think this end of fight, because who can stand after punishment like that? But like thing possessed by thing that does not quiet, Hobgoblin begin crawl back to feet. How? Merrill astonished!

Of course, Merrill not so astonished that Merrill not also hit thing again. And again. In face, because that best way of ending fight quickly. Ben hit Hobgoblin in arm, Randall hit enemy hard again, then as enemy stands Ben hits Hobgoblin in other arm. With loud clatter, Hobgoblin's axe fall to floor. It limping on one leg, it not able to move arms. This good moment, Merrill thinks, to consider choices of life and limp away. Erizax move fire so there corridor to corridor, but not from corridor in which there more enemies.

To Merrill's surprise, Hobgoblin then come forward and try to bite Merrill. Bite! Merrill not seen thing like this in many a year, but still instinctively parry with staff. Face of Hobgoblin even uglier after that, but it not enough to make enemy stop. From corner of eye, Merrill can see Doran step toward fight, with hatchet in bad hand that still good. Randall try to decide fight then and swing at Hobgoblin, but catch sword against wall of tunnel. On instinct, Merrill step in front of Randall, but it lucky that Ben then chop Hobgoblin in other leg. Hobgoblin with no arm, no leg, fall to ground and finally stop fighting.

Worthy opponent, yes yes.

As quick as quick can, friend then leave mine and go back to Bridgegate. Quickly Merrill glance up at sky and remember what day it is. Oh moons... it nearly time. It nearly that day!

Where does Merrill turn? It strange question, it Big Moon question, and it only time of Little Moon rising. But Merrill must ask. Must! So Merrill ask question of only person Merrill trust will answer with wisdom of both moons, and ask Eleanor what is custom among humans for day of birth that marks special occasion? It nearly six years since Merrill given staff of apprentice, and soon it time for Merrill to be apprentice no more. It time for... Merrill does not know. Feast of the End of Path is big big secret. It already unusual that Merrill is not in temple for it, Merrill has wandered too far and too long. But in two days, the path of apprentice that Merrill walks must come to end. It seem that among humans, it customary to have feast and bestow gifts. For moment Merrill worries, because Merrill has not much coin and not much time to find gifts, but Eleanor explain with great patience that it Merrill who receive gift, not give gift.

It strange custom, but Merrill not want to upset friends. When Eleanor ask what Merrill want for day of birth, Merrill only ask for new staff to mark occasion.

Soon Merrill will need to tell friends, that it time for Merrill to start new path. For almost entire life, Merrill certain that Path of Disciple, like First Disciple. But after being in world for while, after things Merrill has seen, and danger Merrill has faced with friends... Merrill decided. It Path of Master Merrill walk. In Temple that mean impressing Master and telling intent of Path before whole temple and all gods. It scary thing, it scary moment. But Merrill is far from temple, so far that Merrill not know how far. That good. That one of many things Merrill now knows that Merrill does not know. There many, many things Merrill now knows Merrill does not know that Merrill did not know Merrill did not know before. It also mean Merrill must seek Master by self. This will mean Merrill must travel far, alone. This one path which friends cannot walk with Merrill, this one path Merrill must find, even if it path overgrown with thorn and not trodden for long long time. But as all path, at one end there is Master, at other end there is Friends. When Merrill leave to walk path, Merrill will mark way, to find way back. Of this Merrill is certain... no matter what Path Merrill walk soon, Merrill will walk it alongside friends.

Merrill has decided.

At end of feast of End of Path, Merrill will tell friends.

Merrill must walk path alone for while.


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