Confessions of Childerbert Ingoberger - Session 51

The following is an IC summary written by Bert's player. Childerbert's accent is as entertaining as ever, but I did make a couple of edits for clarity....

As usual, I am giving +1 CP for those players that submit a summary for me to post here on the blog. 

Now, sees, wha’ Oi ‘adn’t mention was that Young Darvin ‘ad gi’en us these glows: an’ ‘e’d magicked up one o’ me slugs.  Well, see, Oi reckoned, what wi’ the cave being darker than a night time coney warren to a blind man, Oi’d best get to chucking me stone for’ard, loike, and loight up the way ‘head.  Well, blows moi, if cheeky bugger Gobbly ‘uns goes ‘head and throws it back: well, Oi picked it up, again, sees, an’ that’s when buggers loosed an arrer at moi.  Lesson learnt, thinks Oi.

 So’s Oi’m chasing arfter Miaoey, now, lighting ‘er way, as she rushes off up the stairs faster than a coney slipping out o’ its skin in summer.  So’s Oi chased behind, and chucked the glowy round the corner so’s Miaoee weren’t running in bloind.  She dodge a couple o’ arrers as the glow landed, so it’s good Oi chucked it up.  As Oi readies me sling to chuck at the buggers up the stair, Oi ‘eard commotion behind, and saw Old Darvin turn about an’ start to ‘ead down the stairs.  Well, this is a rum do, Oi, thoughts to moiself, seems we’re in a roihgt pickle, an’ no mistake; trapped in a coney warren running back an’ forth. But is woi trapped conies, or foxes in the ‘en coop? Well, no toime for tha’ now, thinks Oi, an’ Oi steps round the corner to launch me slug.  

 Well, what a sight, the shadow of Miao was cast upon the walls before me, wreathed in a mist of blood spray: she must a’ cut her way through four or more Gobbly ‘uns while I paused a sec to load me sling.

 Oi ran to the top of the stair, and saw the floor littered wi’ dead and dying Gobbly ‘uns.  The floor were slick wi’ blood.  Ooo knews they ‘ad so much blood in ‘em.  Well, Oi sees one little bugger up ‘head, banging on a door, an’ opening it: and blows me, if a bunch of ‘Obbs don’t come running out, fair making Miao purr, so’s me thought.

 At that point, well, yeh coulda struck me down wi’ a feather: Llandor shows up, out o’ no-where.  ‘Ad ee been wi’ us all the toime?  I mean, I knows ‘ee’s quiet, but still.  E’ starts loosing ‘is arrers, and Miao starts forward inta the ‘Obbs: oi even got a decent shot in, though by now me ‘eart we behind moi ears, and I could scarce keep moi ‘ands straight.

 Oi ‘eard cries o battle behind us, an’ the clash o’ steel: well, thoughts Oi, time to get in the line, and shows this lot what a Childerbert is, and a Chiolderbert is what a Childerbert does.


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