Hex Combat Map Work-in-Progress

 At the end of last session, the party pursued a group of goblins up some stairs, into an area for which I didn't yet have a suitable map prepared (I hadn't predicted a fight to occur there). As it was time to end the session anyway, this gives me time to whip up a combat map.

 Here is the WIP. I generally use blank GURPS maps as my template. This sheet was the double-sized blank map from the Man to Man PDF (you can see the logo in the corner), printed onto A3. 

  I will change things slightly from the original Caves of Chaos location, for a couple of reasons. I trim down the final maps to be smaller than a full sheet of A4 or A3, so that the hexes will tessellate. I try to standardise the corridor and room "connections" as much as possible. Doing this increases the utility and re-usability of a hand-drawn map that might otherwise only get used once.
