Davin's diary - Session 48

The following is an IC summary written by Davin's player. 


An Uneventful Journey and an Evening of Mirth

Alas, between the fuss and bother of having to deal with the attempted assassination, I didn't get a lot of research done in preparation for the trip. I did manage to sell the thieves swords and pick up my new knives though, so I gave Bert the money to buy food for our journey. Whilst I was doing that, there was a brief discussion over whether we should travel alone- which could be a little faster- or travel as caravan escort that Jenkins has arranged. A slower option and one with additional responsibilities and obligations if we ended up in a fight, but one that provided food and pay. After some discussion, we went for the caravan. 

I spent much of the journey reading through my new scroll on Lighten Burden magic, I think I've about got the hang of it now. The rest of the time, I spent trying to find out what the caravan master was hiding- there was definitely something magical being transported in one of the other wagons, but they were tight lipped when I asked about it and I didn't get the opportunity to sneak a peek- they watched it like a hawk. I was so busy wondering what was in there, that I almost left my backpack behind when we split from the caravan at the halfway point. 

We briefly discussed visiting the local lord- a powerful wizard by all accounts- but it was out of our way and we decided to to save time by travelling across country straight to the fort at the borderlands instead. My area knowledge was of great use to Llandor in ensuring we ended up going in the right direction, but unfortunately Warian wasn't up to the slightly rougher terrain of our chosen route and ended up with a nasty twist of his ankle - nothing Miriam couldn't heal though, fortunately.

We had a discussion just before we arrived at the fort, where we decided to keep our main purpose quiet, however even without revealing our reasons for being there the guards let us straight in. We split up once we got inside, I headed off to the Inn to get a room (or rather a spot on the floor), whilst Miriam went to the fort's shrine with Warian, and Miao waited to see the Castellan. 

By the time Miao got her requested audience, I was done at the inn, so I asked Bert to watch our possessions whilst I joined Miao in visiting the keep itself. She explained- in more detail than we had previously discussed- our purpose here to the Castellan, who basically said he couldn't pay us, but if we wanted to go fight the nearby monsters, he'd tell us how to find them and wish us luck. I think perhaps he was hoping we would address his issues in General rather than Specific, since our purpose is to find out about the cult and he encouraged us to clear the region of all monstrous intruders. Still, he granted me permission to use my magics within his keep and then sent us to his aide for more information. 

His aide was very helpful in identifying where the cult and the monsters could be found, information on where they'd been sighted and so on and although he couldn't give precise details we should have enough information to find the general area these creatures reside in.

We spent a merry evening in the Inn after that.

I am not sure why, but I was struck with the urge to put on an evening's worth of entertainment, a magical re-enactment of some of our adventures beneath Marsh Hall (though I kept the secrets out of it). I suppose being in a settlement on the edge of a wildlands and near a forest reminded me of evenings back home in Emberwood. 

The show went well and it was fine practice of the illusionist's arts. Plus in amongst the drinking and carousing we learnt a fair bit about the creatures inhabiting this area. We received warnings of Ogres- a minor threat, shouldn't prove a problem- and strange beasts called Gnolls, apparently these beasts are dangerous indeed, half-man, half beast. I am informed they are 'as if Miao and Yvor spawned and offspring and it grew up to be larger than either of them'. That sounds frightening for a variety of reasons, but I'm sure we can handle it. 

There was also some mention of an Eater of Men, which is in some way different to the Ogres who eat men, the Orcs who eat men, the Gnolls who eat men and the zombies who eat men. I'm a bit curious as to why this particular creature gets such a unique distinction- perhaps we'll encounter it?

The morning started less auspiciously, with Miriam accusing Bert of theft the night before but couldn't prove her claim. Seems a strange thing to suggest on no evidence and no one reported anything missing, so I'm not sure why she brought it up. I do hope they can get over it and get on. We're heading out now, to head to the caves, apparently the locals have nick-named them the 'Caves of Chaos'. A charming title, we'll see if they're as fun as they sound.


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