Llandor's account - Session 48

The following is an IC summary written by Llandor's player. 


We have another task

I enjoy the small adventures I have been on with this group, while they can be very intense people, they are the few I will stay around. We were preparing to hunt down an evil cult who are suspected to being associated to a prophecy involving stealing the keys to the lich's prison, it’s all complicated, I don’t really understand cults or politics or prophesies but what I do understand is the hunt and so I was willing to lend my aid.

I set off a day before, mostly foraging food for the group but it was nice to be out of town, I’m not the biggest fan of people. I managed to gather enough food for a few meals with the halting seeming dismayed at the lack of meat, anyhow, upon my return I found that Miao’s servant Jenkins had managed to find some carts in need of drivers. I’ve never understood Jenkins’ relationship to Miao, it seems like that of a servant, however Miao insists that it isn’t. That’s not important. We set off early hoping to make good time, I took it upon myself to scout (and for the later part navigate as the carriages left to follow their own path) and while I appreciate it when I’m left to work alone it still surprises me that nobody else in the group has any form of survival skills, there lucky to have lived this far. Along the journey of a few days we decided to make a map of the area. It was a good use of our time and could prove useful later. I got to work making notes of the area while Childerbert ensured everyone was fed and Davin “helped me” to little effect. 

We arrived in town with little issue and set up in the inn, I don’t like people at the best of times so the thought of having to sleep surrounded by them was unnerving but there wasn’t a lot of options as Miao and Sister Miriam found out. Everyone had business to attend to with Miao and Davin visiting the baron of the town and Sister Miriam going to the temple. I took this small but of respite to add the finishing touches to the map I’d been making, with Brother Warian offering his assistance and while in hind sight he was being genuinely helpful, after Davin’s help it was the last straw and I (somewhat aggressively) discouraged him from assisting any further. I do feel somewhat bad for him but I prefer solidarity when I work and it’s a lesson he will hopefully learn.

Now the next part I take full responsibility for.

We set off the next day, I took the lead as I knew the land and could scout. However as we approached the woods I found myself getting distracted, whether it was the comport of familiar ground or the many wonderful factors of nature I’m unsure but before I could react we had been ambushed by hobgoblins. I wasn’t worried about the others Miao could defend them and Sister Miriam has incredible healing abilities, however I found myself in a rather tough spot with 3 attackers on me. Growing up in the wild teaches you a lot of things; how to track, how to hunt, but mainly how to survive, after a myriad of lucky evasions I managed to get out with minor injuries but it was now I realised the fight had progressed and the others were in danger. I’ve come to learn through the group I travel with that a key part of survival is who you surround yourself with and while not everyone in the group is there for there fighting capabilities they all make up part of whatever it is, and as the hobgoblins approached our flanks I just hope the others can manage. 


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