DF monster: Crushroom

As I said in my post on the Eye of Death, despite having a sizable collection of paper/card minis for my tabletop games, there are some Dungeon Fantasy critters for which no official cardboard hero exists, and for which I can't find a reasonable alternative. I have started to turn my crude drawing skills (I can't do people) to making simple standies for some of these DF-specific monsters.

One such monster is the Crushroom. This critter is a huge, mobile, human-sized fungus that eats people. As there are crushrooms in the adventure Hydra Island from Pyramid 3/108 which I was going to run, I knew I might need a couple. Suggestions on the SJGames forum indicated that it might look something like a mushroom with the maw on top, and able to bend or turn its stalk to bring this to bear against a human-scale meal.

Here are three crushrooms in the middle of a fungal forest, gaping maws facing forward.

Below is a closeup of the crushrooms from the same image.

I'm happier with how most of the regular, non-ambulatory giant fungi look, than I am with the crushrooms. The Hydra Island adventure had some caves with a fungal forest, but sadly my players didn't spend enough time exploring that part for me to actually need to use most of the minis. They did encounter one crushroom as a wandering monster, so it wasn't a complete waste.


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