The Postman Doesn't Leave a Card Twice

I arrived home from work this evening to find a card from Royal Mail. I'm not expecting anything mundane to be delivered, which makes me hopeful it might be a gaming-related Kickstarter project reward. Problem is, I'm not sure which one....

It would be too soon for Nordlond Sagas for DFRPG. Ditto for Dossier Decks. Both are eagerly anticipated, but aren't due til next year... My other recent KS have been PDF only. 

Sadly, Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2 was electronic-only outside the US (understandable, but still disappointing). I am pleased with the quality of the PDF though, and would certainly back PDF-only GURPS material with full-colour art in future KS projects. The paperback for Magic Items 2 is available as PoD from Amazon for just shy of £162, which is quite ridiculous. SJ Games insists that this is a computer glitch, but unfortunately Amazon doesn't appear to be returning their calls....

Speaking of SJ Games, my hope is that this delivery is the long awaited DFRPG Monsters 2 and box set reprint. I didn't need a second copy of the box, but it will be useful to have a backup in case of accidental loss or erasure. My original KS box has seen quite a bit of use, and it's not exactly easy to get hardcopy replacements in the UK. My FLGS barely has any GURPS stuff on the shelves these days.

Fingers crossed, both for the delivery of Monsters 2, and for the future of GURPS in general.

EDIT: I need to shout out to Douglas Cole of Gaming Ballistic, who has licences from SJ Games to produce material for both DFRPG and The Fantasy Trip. His small startup produces high quality content and still manages to deliver physical goods worldwide. I'm thankful that Doug makes it possible. Here's looking forward to Nordlond Sagas next year. Now I just need to work the material into my existing DF campaign somehow!


  1. "Sadly, Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2 was electronic-only outside the US (understandable, but still disappointing"

    That was also my feelings, I understand it, but didn't like it.

    1. Indeed. On the plus side, it's now available in hardcopy via Amazon. However, I'm not sure how the quality will be for a PoD book, so I haven't ordered it.


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