GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge

 Steve Jackson Games has an interesting KS set to launch next month. Between 1 to 12 GURPS PDFs (depending on stretch goal funding level), each 10-pages long, for a total of $3. That's potentially 12 PDFs for $0.25 each. It will be possible to back for higher amounts, and get BackerKit credit for other existing PDFs from the GURPS catalog. 

Why do this apparent craziness make sense? Mailanka breaks it down down on their blog: This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time

Here is the official announcement by SJG.

Here is the KS page to be notified on launch (or click the image above).

EDIT: I realise I didn't expressly state that I would be backing this. However with only a $3 minimum, I don't really see how I couldn't. The question will be at what level; I already have a LOT of GURPS PDFs. Will be interesting to see how much of the back-catalogue is made available under this offer. Something to think about...


  1. My understanding is that if it's published by SJG (so no GB stuff, alas) and available in PDF, if it's not already on your options list when you get to Backerkit, you can email/contact SJG and they'll get it on there.

    I'm really fascinated by the model, and might try it myself, for Nordlond.

    1. For previous KS projects, SJG has not included all of their PDFs as optional extras, which is why I was wondering.

      The fact that it would be SJG-only makes sense. They can presumably keep costs down that way.

      Let's all hope it's a success!


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